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(Audio) Adam Lambert on Heidi, Will & Woody Hit 92.9, June 3, 2015

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, June 02, 2015


Lam-My said...

Adam says people keep chasing their original high to relive those memorable moments, recreate them. I'm not disagreeing with that but the strange thing is I don't do that because those beautiful moments / original high can't be recreated nor chased, because they are unique and special. But if they do replay themselves under different scenarios / circumstances, that would be beautiful as they bring back deep memories treasured in the brain. But Adam is so energised and full of life, you bet he would chase...lwl!

Dee R Gee said...

OT, just spotted some news elsewhere that there appear to be dancers in rehearsal for GT onstage. Hope so! The song does best live when the whistle interlude has some dancing action going on.

Lam-My said...

Like a butterfly
Chasing his Original High
Fluttering from flower to flower
To enjoy their goodness and colour
With an abundance of energy
To shower upon his admirers
To return their love and fervour
Actually, it boils down to sheer hard work
He doesn't shirk nor twerk lol!
His Original High will spurt
New sounds, quirks and perks
Which might need some getting used to
It will give you some insights too
Into Adam's psyche
He's straight forward
Nothing to hide...well almost
Now, a little wiser, he simmers
No stingers, neither does he wear blinkers
He's the effervescent comeback kid
His Original High his ultimate bliss !

Anonymous said...

Great interview - too bad it wasn't longer. The DJs were obviously thrilled to talk with Adam and he seemed pleased with it too. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just realized how freaking amazing, Freddie Mecury is. He played piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, was musical composer, a genius writer had a 4 octave vocal range and a God like stage presence. DAMN, he's so cool, I wanna be like him when I grow up. (: