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From Entertainment Focus: Adam Lambert #TheOriginalHigh Album Review - 5 Stars

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, June 20, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, June 20, 2015

Adam Lambert – The Original High album review

Quotes from the longer review.. be sure to go to the full review linked above

One of the things you notice instantly is that The Original High is Lambert’s most cohesive album to date. By working with Max Martin and Shellback, he’s crafted a collection of songs most of which he’s credited as co-writer on. 

Underground hints at a darker R&B sound – something we hope he continues to explore as he sounds great on the track – and There I Said It is a heartfelt ballad that really showcases Lambert’s ability as a vocalist. Album standout Rumors with Tove Lo merges electro-pop with sensual R&B once again showcasing a new sound for the singer.

There’s no doubt that The Original High is the strongest record that Lambert has released to date. It’s not schizophrenic in styles like his previous efforts and it feels more like a concept album than anything he’s done before. The dance rhythms work well for him and the forays into R&B promise a direction he could follow in the future. The Original High has been worth the wait but we hope it’s not another three years until the next record arrives! 


Anonymous said...

If I correctly understood, the author of this article (Pip Ellwood) thinks the first two Adam’s albums were “schizophrenic”?? As much as I love this third album, I really DO NOT BELIEVE that his 2 previous albums were “schizophrenic”.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 11:45. Excellent that he gives 5 stars to TOH, but will tweet and retweet the Apple Music tweet about Adam's TOH giving it all those beautiful hearts (7.2 million followers that apple music has!!)

Anonymous said...

Adam himself has said this album is more cohesive. Multiple recent interviews recent where Adam did say this album is cohesive and the other albums were more eclectic, more varied, he may even have said schizophrenic at some point. Calm down.

Anonymous said...

I still love FYE BECAUSE it is eclectic, stylistically and in so many other ways that seem to fit my changing moods. I loved TSP a tad less than FYE because IMO it seemed to be searching, unnecesarily IMO, for a theme-and-a-meme. What I most want to hear is Adam's voice and the way he chooses to "shape it" in order to tell the story of the song. And I am utterly enchanted by all but one of THO's songs. There, I said it!

glitzylady said...

This is a very positive review.. I don't perceive the reviewers comments as being critical or negative of Adam's 2 previous albums in any way.. He feels this one is even better at least in terms of "cohesive"-ness..

Please be sure to read the entire review at the link...

Anonymous said...

JAK said.....Actually Adam referred to Ghost Town as being a couple of interviews.
I remember distinctly since that is what I said about the song when I gave my negative opinion of it here......
I still think it's an awkward schizo song........but I'm lovin' on lots of other songs on the album. :-)

Anonymous said...

To JAK at 1:46PM: I wasn't too crazy about Ghost Town when I first heard it either. I thought the video was too schizophrenic. I much prefer the two female dancers we have seen when Adam performs the song or no dancers at all. But when I saw Adam perform it on ELLEN and then on other shows, it grew on me to the point where I can't get it out of my head. I've been hearing it here in NJ on the NYC radio station 102.7 quite often. It's good to see WB music and Adam's management promoting TOH with all the appearances he has been making. The best for me was GMA. His appearance and performance were flawless and stellar. Good to read this 5 star positive review. Let's hope this album brings Adam all the recognition and success he so deserves in today's unpredictable music industry.

Anonymous said...

Not very PC to be calling a song or album schizophrenic.

The Dark Side said...

FYE to me defined who Adam is when it came out. I do t think that has changed nor do I wish it. He's bigger than life as any star in music today.

Anonymous said...

Great review. I'm not crazy about Ghost town either but I'm keen on There I Said It and The Original High.

Anonymous said...

7:13 PM. You should talk to Adam about that.