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From Adam Lambert about his first kiss, first concert and first time he was recognized by a fan

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Adam Lambert went from auditioning on American Idol to performing around the world with the actual band members of Queen, and he’s not stopping there. The American Idol alum just released his third studio album “The Original High.” Fusion’s Jenni Ruiza got a chance to chat with the singer.

 Link to article!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Really nice interview, he looks and sound amazing.
By the way I wanna be the last woman who he`ll kiss ; LOL


Anonymous said...

Please keep streaming Ghost Town. It is important to keep second week sales up and for the Billboard chart. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Adam's look that day was the ultimate!! Everything was perfect -- hair color & style, amazing shirt, fantastic humble confidence, usual sense of humor, smile to kill for, intelligence in answers, etc. Like I said, everything perfect.

If Warner and Adam are looking for a second single that will be extremely radio-friendly, then they should go with THE ORIGINAL HIGH song. But, not only because it's radio-friendly. Adam uses all his vocal range in this song (low, medium and high), the lyrics are great, the beat is infectious and people will automatically sing along and dance with Adam whenever they hear the song or see him perform it live. The other important reason is that TOH grabs you from the very first notes.

I love so many other songs on the album like Evil in the Night, Lucy, The Light and There I said it, but TOH should be next single if only to provide WB & Adam the chance to launch 3 or 4 more singles off the album. LOVE TOH (the song and the full album!!)

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I agree. More singles and videos.

otexbert said...

HDD sales totals are in 41,112

otexbert said...

HDD sales totals are in 41,112

otexbert said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I´ve been spending to night listen TOH album.
More I listen more I LOVE IT! Amazing songs..
for ex Rumors..


Anonymous said...

I agree with releasing TOH as the next single. And, of course, we need to have a video for that. I am sure it will be something original and creative from Adam and his team.

Anonymous said...

He will be 3rd on billboard. Taylor did move up to 2nd with streaming 46,000. Adam 44,000!!!

Dee R Gee said...

Gonna stream tonight when I get back to my hotel room. On vacation this week. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! Adam will be on Billboard's 200 TOP 5 for the 3rd time after putting out albums. That is totally amazing and deserved. OK, bye now; have to go listen to TOH in my car again!!!

Anonymous said...

This is 1:50 -- Forgot to add that I love listening to TOH everywhere (home, smartphone, Ipod and car!!)

Anonymous said...

@June 23, 2015 at 11:43 AM

Absolutely Fellow Fan! I am actually going to try to stream MORE this week, as week #2 can be a challenge traditionally... that will be tough as I have a busy upcoming week, but I am going to try! :). I will have two devices going for sure, and maybe two more, lol! Adam DESERVES it, or perhaps I should say, the MUSIC/ALBUM deserves to be heard (as did Trespassing, LOVED that Time Inc review!). Thx for reminder :).

CT said...

Adam's accomplishments are amazing with getting 3 albums in the top 3 of the Billboard top 200! Way to go Adam!
I agree with all the posters that TOH should be the next's on repeat for me as well as .....well all of them <3333

I stopped streaming on Monday but I'm back on it today...thanks for the reminder that 2nd week sales are so very impt. for the Billboard chart!

Anonymous said...

We will be streaming like mad for the next year. This week is already two days into the streaming for next week. To think a few months ago I never heard of streaming and here I am a spokesmodel for it. Lol

Dee R Gee said...

3:25, Your are so right. We will need to support each single as it comes. That means streaming, lots and lots of streaming. That's the major ticket to the top right now.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Asked this question on another thread but really need an answer so I'm going to ask it here ... PLEASE bear with me & don't get angry for my 'stupidity'!! What is "streaming" ... where/how is it done?? I watch GT videos most of the day on Ytube & VH1 ... I also Vote at ALL the polls (iheart radio ... pop crush ... ryan seacrest) constantly until they kick me out ... does any of this count as streaming?? Someone PLEASE enlighten me!! THANX!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

The Dark Side said...

I don't care what others standards are, but to me Adam is a superstar! He gets buzz doing any and everything. He's very recognizable. People who do t follow him know who he is and he's building a very nice international al fan base. Win win!

leilani Aloha said...

Sweet - Fun - Adorable Adam!!!
luv this casual relax interview!!!

Anonymous said...

Lambert Outlaw, streaming is listening to music on streaming services like Spotify. You can listen to all kinds of music, for free or a paid subscription, on your computer, tablet or phone. The industry has shifted so many more people are using these services rather than buying a CD or a digital download.

Important to note is that YouTube doesn't count for Billboard singles charts.

You can read more about it here:

If you want to add streaming to what you do, it can run on your device on mute 24/7. I'm sure a young person in your life can help you set it up or we could walk you thru it here. I'd never used Spotify before but found it very easy to set up.

Anonymous said...

How come streaming counts towards the Billboard charts when streaming is not buying music; it's just listening to it?

Anonymous said...

8:46 pm, due to the changing industry more people are streaming. Labels and artists do get paid from streaming. They had to change what is counted on Billboard to reflect the current industry.

Anonymous said...

SO Adam!

Anonymous said...

JAK here......I wonder how Bridget Jean, Adams first kiss, feels about him mentioning it so many times?
Are her friends in awe or do they tease her? What does her husband think?

Anonymous said...

Wild guesses how she might feel (shes's closer to forty now...)

- Oh yes, I remember that... The boy was a good kisser back then already... Wish we could do it again... and again... and...
- Oh Adam, so glad I could be of service... So proud of you today!

About her friends... in aww and if they tease her, they are probably just envious...

Her husband? Maybe she does not have a husband? Or if she does, hope he is a confident grownass man who knows that what ever happened before they met is none of his business and vice versa...
