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From popcrush: Adam Lambert Covers Out, Talks Scrubbing Down + Chilling Out

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Any Idol fan will remember Adam Lambert as a consummate showman: Just as sure as he’d reach for octaves generally reserved for the opera, he’d sport floor-scraping trench coats and traces of light-catching mascara. But three albums later, he told Out—for which he’s the newest cover model—that he’s turned a new corner, and that the release of The Original High earlier this month represents a point at which he’s finally learned to let go of the pyrotechnics and fanfare and just be himself.

Read the whole article here!


Anonymous said...

Gd that is sexy. Mmm mmm Mmm

Anonymous said...

OUT Facebook page has Adam's pictures as its avi and background profile picture

Jadam NZ said...

Well this is truly awesome. Beautiful photo, wonder if we can get Out here in NZ. Will definetly have a look.

choons said...

OK kill me but to me this photo looks like he's missing his left cheek ... I love his cheeks. But his eyes are always amazing.