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Instagram Photos & Vids: Adam Lambert On The Red Carpet At The MMVA's

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, June 21, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, June 21, 2015

Instagram Photos and Vids featuring Adam Lambert being interviewed on the Red Carpet at the Much Music Video Awards in Toronto.

Second Instagram down features Adam chatting with Ed Sheeran

You can't really hear what he's saying but they're very up close!!!

 Many thanks to Gala @grrr_girl for sharing these!

*Click on the arrow on the vids to view..

Here's a screen cap of the first photo below for the Instagram scorned

A photo posted by Gala (@grrrr_girl) on
Adam chatting with Ed Sheeran
A video posted by Gala (@grrrr_girl) on
For the Instagram scorned: Screen cap of above video

A video posted by Gala (@grrrr_girl) on

A photo posted by Gala (@grrrr_girl) on

A video posted by Gala (@grrrr_girl) on


Anne Marie said...

Adam is saying to Ed, "I hear you like cats, I hate cats"

Jadam NZ said...

AWW was hoping he catch up with Ed.

Anonymous said...

@Anne Marie, you may be right....though it didn't really seem like that's what he was saying to me. Adam looked a bit starstruck, which was totally cute. :) It must be neat to meet other singers that you admire if you're a singer.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't he look GORGEOUS!

Adam is such a pro on RC, cute posings and flirting with 'the flying camera thingy'!
Hopefully we get lots of close ups also of his accessories... rings etc.

Adam starstruck? By whome? Sheeran? No way. lol
He has already met most of the regular stars (performing and/or present in every award show...
Maybe if Bowie or somebody else of Real Star Quality was suddenly there... :)

Anonymous said...

Adam looks very happy to be chatting with Ed Sheeran.

Anonymous said...

It's both funny and weird he hate cats so much... He also said that in some previous interview. I think it's not healthy.

Anonymous said...

He probably grew up with no cats at home. He said cats don't like him, I would assume he met one at a friends house, and the cat had a reaction to him. I don't think he has time for pets, and the responsibility that goes with them. I prefer a man who can love a pet, it shows a soft side to their personality, which was a plus for his ex, who loves his dog.

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam said to ES I am a fan or something on that order.

Anonymous said...

the hair color .... gaawwwwddd, delicious

@RosiePosie, I also think Adam looked just a tiny bit starstruck with Ed. Perhaps starstruck isn't the word, but Ed Sheeran is a very talented dude (I don't know how many of you readers here at 24/7 know his stuff intimately, I've seen him in concert, he's an amazing musician apart from singing and writing) and maybe RosiePosie Adam is just super appreciative of Ed's talent and that came through, but I saw it too RosiePosie :). Two gingers, two NICE PEOPLE too, from what I gather from what's in the public domain about them :).

choons said...

I agree - I do think Adam admires Ed. He is an amazing poetic songwriter and a great performer - he filled the Air Canada Centre! Very cute to see them together - maybe there's an invisible connection between gingers.

Anonymous said...

Adam said he loves dogs and would like to have one someday; but, he travels to much now. He also said he likes cats, but they don't like him. That is why he feels that way. People sure no how to take things out of context.

Also, unless you were there you cannot tell what Ed and Adam were talking about. Also, this may not be the first time they met. Also, for that matter they both might have been star struck (NOT); They may admire each other's talents as Adam has said. He also said he does not get star struck that often! Sure it was just a casual conversation and plesantries exchanged. I know if I met Adam Lambert, I would be completely star struck!!!

Anonymous said...

@9:27 PM

You don't know that, please stop with the know it all attitude!!

Anonymous said...

@4:53 AM

It is not weird or unhealthy not to like cats or dogs. I know many people that are just afraid of cats. They have had bad experiences with them; which Adam probably has; which he does not seem to want to get into; he just says they don't like him; that is why he does not like or want one! He just uses the word hate, by not meant in a mean spirited way!

I have a friend who will not enter a house with a cat; because this big cat stratched he little puppies eye and made it bleed when she was a child and she is frighted to death of them. One of my coworkers had bad experiences with cats and was attacked by one that he had known for years and was doing nothing to it.

There are plenty of people that have had bad expiences with dogs and will not come anywhere near them. Adam is such a loving person, so his experiences with cats must have been traumatic!! They can be very tempermental!!

choons said...

I'm sure the comment was meant in jest - I guess from now on, commenters will have to insert a "ha ha" for those who have no sense of humour.

Anonymous said...

I believe it was mentioned a long time past that cat dander makes him sneeze and have allergic reactions.

Anonymous said...

I thought the camera thingy doing the 360 revolution, was like the x-ray machine in the dentists office.

Anne Marie said...

It was a JOKE, no one knew what Adam said. ES loves cats, and even brought one to the performance. Adam has said he likes dogs, cats don't like him. So ease up on the criticism.

Anonymous said...

Adam has never said he is allergic to cats, he has said he doesn't like cats. He has also said cats don't like him.

glitzylady said...

Adam stated in an interview several years ago that he's allergic to cats, as is his brother Neil..

I can't source that for you right now (at work on my lunch hour..), but it's documented..

Not that this has anything to do with the MMVA's or the great pics and vids of Adam which are the actual subject of this thread.. :))

Anonymous said...

@Anne Marie
I immediately got your joke and as a former cat owner it made me chuckle.
Humour is really scarce here nowadays, so thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love ginger Adam!