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UPDATED! New Adam Lambert (Video) Q & A Interview From Helsinki via Helsingin Sanomat PLUS Translated Questions via @Miachihu

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, June 11, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, June 11, 2015

The link to the Helsingin Sanomat Newspaper page with this video/interview/Q&A with Adam Lambert was unavailable for a time but has now been restored.  Please go to the link below the picture to view..  "Minttu Maistuu: Adam Lambert: Helsingin Sanomat"

New Adam Lambert Video Q & A Interview Via Helsingin Sanomat:

                                 Screen cap from the interview video via @glitzylady

~There is currently no "embed" option for the interview so go to this link to view:

Note: The webpage is available again and the link to the article has been updated!

LINK To View: Minttu Maistuu: Adam Lambert: Helsingin Sanomat 

~The questions (statements) to which Adam responded are shown on the screen in Finnish so for those who need the translations, here they are via @Miachihu on Twitter

Many thanks to @Miachihu!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Prize Pack

Sign up below from 12:01am PST on 6/9/15 through 11:59pm PST on 6/15/15 for a chance to win 1 of 5 Adam Lambert prize packs, which includes an autographed art litho of his new release "The Original High". The winners will be contacted on 6/19/15 via email, and their names will be posted here. All participants are automatically signed up for the Amazon Music monthly delivers mail.

The new album "The Original High" by Adam Lambert releases on 6/16/15 and is available to listen to in full for free now!

Prize pack includes:
•Autographed art litho of The Original High
•The Original High CD

Anonymous said...

The link doesn't work for me.

glitzylady said...

It seems that the interview has been taken down or made unavailable.. We'll repost when (and if..) we can..


Anonymous said...

How could Adam miss Indiana, he was an infant.

glitzylady said...

Just posted the interview via @ScorpioBert.. When the link to the Helsinkin Sanomat website/interview Q & A becomes active again, I'll repost...

Anonymous said...

This is great, Helsingin Sanomat is the biggest, the most prestigious newspaper Finland (on line, too)!

Anonymous said...

Seems like every interviewer asks the same question, "Are you in love?', he answers every time "no". If he is, then they should know by now, he is not going to answer that question, if he is not, then he I guess he just dates for the sex.

Anonymous said...

The video is back up! (without correcting that last caption) Please remove the link to the YT vid.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:48 AM
Thanks for the info.. I've updated the link to the webpage and removed the you tube.. Glad it's finally working again.. There were apparently some translation and/or technical issues that needed to be corrected on the Helsingin Sanomat webpage..

Anonymous said...

Yesterday (11.june) there was some small story in Finnish Seiska-magazine about Adam and Sauli in Finland (during the charity concert).

Anonymous said...

Seiska-magasine is a very poor finnish magazine, it spreads often bad and ugly gossips, yäk.