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VIDEOS: Via @NightBirdsObsession Adam Lambert #KTUphoria 2015 'Ghost Town', 'Whataya Want From Me', 'Evil In The Night'

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Monday, June 1, 2015

Posted at : Monday, June 01, 2015


Adam Lambert's performances of three songs at #KTUphoria 

Via NightBirdsObsession on You Tube

We also posted all 3 videos from TALCVids here on 24/7. 

'Ghost Town' 

'Whataya Want From Me'

'Evil In The Night'


Anonymous said...

So sorry Adam but that was a half-hearted performance.

Unknown said...

great performance loved it

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, will you please tell me why you deleted my comment about opera singers? I do not understand how it violated any rules. Please explain. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Did he mix up lyrics on GT? Lol or is it just me

Anonymous said...

His voice sounded rather soft singing Ghost Town but then MM and S wrote the song to be sung more quietly than Adam has sung his previous songs.

Anonymous said...

4:37 AM, except Fox wrote GT.

Anonymous said...

Ghost Town has entered Australia's official Top 40 Digital Tracks Chart at #30 and the official Top 50 Singles Chart at #32.

CT said...

Adam's vocals were spectacular especially on EITN! That song is a winner and Adam singing it live was amazing IMO! He had great energy and he and the crowd seemed to be enjoying themselves. Loved the performance <333

Anonymous said...

I don't think this was a half hearted performance at all. I loved watching Adam move to the music; he really seemed to be enjoying himself up there. It's always great to hear WWFM since it was the song that got him on the charts and will probably be my favorite. Adam looked terrific and I liked the color of his hair too. I actually heard GT on 102.7 in NYC the other day and almost fell over. So happy to learn that they are playing it. Can't wait for the release of TOH this month. I hope it does well for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all who post about hearing GT on their radio stations, and chart stats and the like, I really appreciate it!!!! (regarding people who post other stuff, umm, I guess we should be ignoring, lol, including ME!!! ;)).

It was sooooo satisfying to me to see Adam on stage live singing his own music again. The venue didn't matter to me one bit. I was almost taken aback at my own reaction; I was so psyched to see him singing and moving to his own stuff. #WorthTheWait

Anonymous said...

I love the performance. He is both strong and soft, happy and demanding. We have only 16 days to hear TOH, yeah :)

nancdruuu2 said...

Adam was fabulous! He put his heart and soul in all three performances! Especially loved Evil in the Night. Adam looked gorgeous and he performs like no other! HOT!

Dee R Gee said...

Just watched the vids. He did a GREAT job! Really delivered EITN perfectly. It's sexy and dark and has a great hook! All three songs were fantastic. If he was indeed added to this show at the last minute, it was well worth it. TOH can't come soon enough!

Anonymous said...

@5:13 AM

Evidently you are a Fox support. How many times do you have to be told by Adam that Ghost Town a collaboration of artists; which Adam was one of them, check the credits. Adam has said that SF was asked to do the whistle part after Adam and producers thought that would be cool to put in; and Fox said that he could whistle, and Adam was happy to have him do it. Other than that, SF's only solo contribution to the song, many writers bring songs they have written as did Adam with TOH; but, he had collaborators on it, so they are listed as co-writers. You are always interjecting your untrue comments here. Almost about everything Adam. Why don't you go over to SF's fan site and spread the lie there, if he has a site.

Back to reality, Adam did a fabulous job last night. All three of his songs were great!

Anonymous said...

Don't really know if he mixed up the lyrics, as you put. I was enjoying him singing so much, was not looking for little mistakes that probably happen to all singers. Just started singing this song; and maybe in all the excitement it could have happen. But, so what if it did; no biggie! Then again, it may have been just you, whose counting??
Sarah G.

Anonymous said...

LOVED the 2 new songs from "The Original High" . Waaaaay better in person/live performance. Adam is born to be on stage.I hope next performance he starts with "Trespassing" and then "Ghost Town" . "Evil in the Night" was killer good. I was only meh on that song and now I can't stop listening to it.Oh YES, he looked gorgeous. I love it when he does his hair like Elvis.
On a side note/those who don't agree with others comments quit jumping on their back. It loses fans for Adam.

Anonymous said...

GhostTown is 24Hac and 35 Top40

Anonymous said...

7 ;41
I am not the person you were replying to but you are completely wrong. It was sterling fox song that was bought by adam. He performs it himself. If you actually listen to the many interviews given by both adam and sterling you would understand. But I think you prefer to live in a fantasy world

Also evil in the night was sterlings song. I don't think max martin did much other than add his name and some final editing to the project.

Anonymous said...

Thanks June 1 8:06am, awesome!! :)

Anonymous said...

@7:41 if you listen to Sterling's version you will see what words were changed. Not many at all. My heart was originally my world. Lots of artist change a couple of words so they can get writer credit, so they can make more money. Sad but true part of the business.

Anonymous said...

We all know adam isn't a songwriter. He had a year from the time the WAG tour was finished until he went to stockholm and he created exactly one demo song. Lol.

Unknown said...

Outstanding performances by the best singer in the world. Ghost Town sounded fantastic, great hearing WWFM live, its been awhile and EITN was awesome, love the song but hearing and seeing it live, I am speechless! Thrilled for him, what a great weekend he has had, lots of exposure. Last but not least his look, hair, outfit, tats and those fabulous looking arms, all I can say is WOW!

Anonymous said...

What the hell difference does all of this make; are we going to point out on every artist's album who wrote what. TOH is ADAM'S LAMBERT'S album. He will be singing all the songs. Don't care if "Mickey Mouse wrote them". It is Adams gorgeous voice I am here to listen too. I am a fan because of Adam; no one else. If Adam is fortunate enough to get a Grammy or any other award, as an artist; it will be Adam taking that walk to receive that/or those awards! So put a sock in will you?? Why don't you let the other writers do their own promotions; unless you people are getting paid to do so. No matter what you say or do, people are going to still have their own thoughts and beliefs. Personally, I don't care who writes the songs that our One In A Billion Gift From God Voiced Man Sing; I just want his golden throat to sing them!!!!!
Anna Jordan

Anonymous said...

Wow; Adam is charting very well. Thanks for that important information! So happy for him. I have the feeling this is going to be a another great year for Adam; maybe the best ever! Starting out wonderfully. He was so good last night. Many people there said Adam knocked out of the venue!!

Anonymous said...

Elvis wrote very few of his songs, but would get writer credit just for sing them. Nothing wrong with not being a songwriter, if you have a one in a billion voice just sing and get others to write.

Anne Marie said...

Adam did a great performance, He looked great and sang great. The band and Adam are still at the stage where they are getting used to each other. The band was great too. Adam seemed so happy to be on stage doing his thing, he has said his 'happy place' is when he is on stage.
I see no point in squabbling about who wrote what piece of any of the songs, the songs were a collaboration and I believe Adam has his name on all of them, no matter how much he actually contributed. Who gives a hoot. He is the one singing them, and he was right on point last night. It was just Adam and the song, no fancy back drop or fancy lighting. I am so glad he was squeezed in , I think, at the last minute, to perform. These things are usually planned months ahead, and originally he was not on the list, but thanks to Warner, again, they came through for him.

The Dark Side said...

WTH cares who did what on a song that Adam sings. Obviously there are always a couple of people on this site who insist on screwing with us. Loved his performance

Anonymous said...

When people write things that are factually incorrect they are going to be set straight by others. Some people are very upset when their bullshit is called out. I'm talking to you anna jordan, among others.

Anonymous said...

@8:22 Ter;ing didn't write EITN these people did Payami ·Holter · Lowry · Savanah Kotecha · Shellback.

Anonymous said...

10 32
Sterling fox is the stage name for brandon lowry. same guy.

Anne Marie said...

It doesn't matter who wrote the songs, they were collaborations, even SF's was tweaked and some words changed, so that makes it a collaboration too. Adams name is on all the songs. He did a wonderful job singing them in Vegas. There is no need to pounce on people under the guise of correcting them.

Anonymous said...

@The Dark Side
You've been here for many years, just like I have been. You should post more often, your posts are spot on. Adam support guaranteed, no frills, no drama, no OTT-ness. Thank you for your post @10:15, totes agree!

Anonymous said...

Others have noticed he mixed up the words in the first part of GT... He added something about the machine being disconnected... Lol in the beginning. I knew I wasnt hearing things. Hes so mesmorizing it doesn't matter one bit. He could sing it backwards and I would love it.

Rosepetal said...

I don't give a rats behind if he was stumbling down a dark alley and found the his song lyrics on a scrap of paper. For me, the beauty is in the way he delivers a song not who did or didn't write it. These performances were awsome!!!! EITN melted my screen a little...but I've learned to fan my phone to prevent permanent

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@3:03 AM It's just you. It's Always Just You. Not that it does any good to explain anything to you.

Anonymous said...

Can you just lay off other commenters on here. Adam did mix up the words, so what. It didn't hurt anything, he was just great, and sang beautifully. He could sing the telephone book, and I would listen and enjoy.

Dee R Gee said...

99% of the people in the audience didn't know about any lyrics mix-up. As for songwriting credits, I figure if someone's name is on the list of writers, they must have made a contribution to the final product. Since Adam is the singer, I imagine he contributed. The finished product is in his hands. He is the one who delivers it. That's a major part of the process, IMO.

Anonymous said...
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Kath said...

If you watch you can see during the beginning of Ghost Town Adam is motioning with his hand up as he does when he is directing the sound guy off to the side.

I enjoyed the whole thing, thought he relaxed more as the performance went on.

Anonymous said...

didnt have to worry about lousy sound engineers with queen

Anonymous said...

12:28 PM
You wouldn't enjoy it, you'd criticize and complain like always.

I want you to lay off all things Adam.

Gabi said...

Adam mixed up the lyrics? Really? I didn't notice and I watched the videos several times haha. I must have been too distracted. Loved the whole performance and the more restrained, but very confident vibe and the smooth sexy moves. Adam has become a very seasoned performer and I'm just glad that someone told him that pulling back is a cool thing to do. I find his new sound very intriguing and sexy and I'm thrilled that he doesn't feel the need to over sing anymore. He looked fantastic - hair, hair color, outfit, toned arms, even the tats etc. - and I couldn't be happier. KTU sent several tweets throughout this morning and I think they were more than pleased with Adam's appearance and performance :)

Anonymous said...

Gabi...loved your comment @ 1:58pm. Adam did seem happier, more confident esp. with those sexy dance moves. He seems to be more comfortable moving around on the stage and getting into the music. His hair style and color and his outfit were perfect for the Jones Beach stage setting. He performed three songs here and the new band members sounded great. I wonder if those will be the three numbers he will sing on GMA for their summer concert series. Can't wait for the release of TOH and the appearances Adam will make on tv while he is in NYC to promote the album.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a bloody amazing vocalist and he can switch, mixed etc. etc....

Just listen and watch this SUPERB human being and enjoy he!he!


Anonymous said...

Who do you think you are, to say I must not talk about Adam. Or to say I criticize and complain. I think you might have me mixed up with some one else.
I will talk about Adam and praise Adam, all I want. You are just a rude troll.

Anne Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anne Marie said...

It wasn't established that the sound engineer did anything wrong. During Qual during an interview it was said that Adam has his own personal sound engineer. Don't know if he used the same person or not, but it was said that Adam's ears are very sensitive to sounds and that he is hard to work with because of that, he has gone through several sound engineers. The sound man, has to constantly change the sound for Adam, as it changes as he moves around the stage. For this one night he might have had someone different.

Anonymous said...

Gabi totally agree with you. Adam looked so happy to be on the stage again. He was born to be on the stage. Loved every second of it, messed up lyrics and all. The funny thing is the interviewer even mentioned that he messes up the lyrics sometimes. Adam said he gets so caught up in the audience that he forgets sometimes. Doesn't matter to me what he sings as long as he sings .

Anonymous said...

Everyone is in tiled to mistakes. Even you forget sometimes. The best of the best are even human like Adam.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Just came from Ytube ... watched all three videos by TALC ... much clearer & the sound is fantastic ... ADAM was on Fire last night!! ... LOVED his performance on all three songs!! THANX!! for posting it here on 24/7!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Some people just can't accept the truth and must bend it to fit what they want to believe, thus those who don't want to hear who originally wrote the song and don't want anybody but Adam to get any credit. I don't know what they are so afraid of. Adam is a human being and gets his songs the same way most singers do.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady said she wasn't going to delete any more comments.

Anne Marie said...

Hope she meant just for yesterday, and that one blog. She is definitely needed here to delete some comments.

Anonymous said...

We are fully aware of who originally wrote the song, but some words were changed, thus making it a collaboration. That should not be too hard to understand, even for you.

Anonymous said...

I really like the new band. They have a great sound and work well with Adam's music. "Evil in the Night" kills!

Anonymous said...

5:29 PM, roll eyes.

Anonymous said...

Well unless someone on here is a manager and their client is not getting paid; that should be credit enough. Why someone on here is embarrassing a collaborator of Adam's new album; making him seem very needy. So unprofessional. No one else has some stupid fan running around begging for credit. If the person working with Adam on the record is not hounding Adam. Wonder why this person is; friend, relative, just what is the deal. So sad, they are really embarrassing themselves.

Well, getting back to the Star of TOH, Adam tore up Evil of The Night. The Band is really starting to blend. By concert time; this is going to be the show to see. Had me dancing in my seat. He will get better and better as they all perform together. A friend that was there said that Adam had the whole involved, you just couldn't help it. She was there for Kelly; but, she said seeing Adam in person is electrifying. She preordered his album today. I was thrilled, another one bites the dust. She called and said, I get it now! I told her that Adam was jus warming up; that she hasn't seen "nothing" yet.

Proud of Adam; Proud of current Glamberts and all the new ones that are climbing aboard every single day; one by one!!!!! Good Night everybody.

Anonymous said...

Seems people protesteth too much.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:29 PM
Thanks for sharing the story of your friend's experience of seeing and hearing Adam live... He is truly riveting as a live performer. Although I LOVVVVE his recorded music.. and the videos that are put up from various events...there is NOTHING quite like being in the audience.. His voice soars... And Adam shines..

Anonymous said...

@June 1, 2015 at 8:29 PM

I don't know if you will come back here to this thread again, but just in case I want to thank you for sharing your experience with your friend and her "getting it" now! So great! Thx :)