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Adam Lambert tweeted: Chasing the Original I!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Magiclady said...

Huh? Looking for love?

Lam-My said...

Hellooo AdminFan! Where have you! Mmm too engrossed chasing Adam, right? Aren't we all lol! So far Adam's Another Lonely Night, Original High are the ones I play most but Shame has a little strange witty he's grumbling, that his bfs or others throw him out the window before even giving him a chance to prove himself; sort of throwing out the baby with the bath-water; so that song is rather funny but rest assured Adam is now viewed as the one to follow/beat at all cost. A lot of people are scrambling onto his Bora Bora high-speed boat, before it vanishes out of sight out of mind. Good thinking...lwl!
Hey Adam...Mmm you are now chasing the Original, let me guess, someone we! Hey let us know so I can write a real steamy hot story not those squeaky clean ones. lwl!

Anne Marie said...

Which original is he chasing? Could be anything. We might not approve.

Lam-My said...

Hellooo Anne Marie.....I don't know if you are thinking what I'm thinking regarding chasing the Original lol! Better not say too blatantly, don't want to get into trouble. lol!

Anonymous said...

OMIGOD, who thinks this might be the next single???

Anne Marie said...

Hi, Lam-My, He tweeted, Chasing the Original I. Is he drinking and being silly?
What does 'I' stand for?

Anonymous said...

Is that I or lower-case L

glitzylady said...

I'm assuming it's an upper case I as in the letter I.. play on words..

Lam-My said...

Hey Thanks Anne Marie...I didn't see the 'l' after Original...thought it was an exclamation mark lol! If it stands for I / pronoun...then he would be chasing himself...perhaps referencing his beginning as a theatre kid blossoming to what he is now and so he is in reality chasing himself, his identity / talents...Wahh, sounds a bit complicated. Anne Marie, no wonder you think he had a drink too many. lol!

glitzylady said...

For what it's worth (who knows if I'm even remotely close), this is what I thought of, and tweeted in response to Adam when I saw his tweet right after he posted it...

ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert
Chasing the Original I

MaryMaryQUITE ; )
@adamlambert "Chasing The Original I"= finding our true selves and loving the person that we are?? :)) #wildguess

Any other guesses??? I'd love it if he'd expand on that a little bit for us!

glitzylady said...

I like your thoughts too.. you posted while I was composing my comment..

Lam-My said...

Adam is very naughty! whenever he gives vague hints...we all get twisted up. lol!
Okay another interpretation...'l' as in the lower case 'L'...Mmm this one is really juicy; 'l' for love ! Maybe he's getting back with the Original love of his life...well, well we shall see. His Original love can also harken back to his love for theatre/singing/acting. Hey a wild guess here...He got a film offer...oooh-la-la!

Lam-My said...

Whoa! Timeslot.....Bingo! 11 11 .

Anonymous said...

Thanks @Glitzylady! I still think "l" is lowercase L cause he has "the" in lowercase. He looked happy in that IG picture from Ojai. He is trying to get to know someone. Therefore maybe Chasing The Original Love!? Or maybe he got a musical role; then, maybe Chasing The Original I!? I guess we will find out soonish! :)

glitzylady said...

It sure could be a lower case l .... Good thinking!!! Puts a whole different perspective on it!!! Still going with upper case I though.. Hoping he explains it sometime to us "inquiring minds"..


Lam-My said...

Ahh, AdminFan to the rescue...It's a capital 'I' lol! Okay, love flies off the window...So Adam is chasing his Origin...his self/passion in theatre/singing...quite philosophical. Anne Marie, he didn't have a drink too many after all. lwl!

MINNIE said...

I thought maybe a capital I. As in finding that thing which originally made Adam want to sing and entertain. Something not related to sales, promo or another person, or external things, but related to sort of rediscovering oneself, very internal musings. Perhaps a bit of hindsight or re-adjusting oneself. Hope we can get to see some of the UK/AU things coming up, via generous overseas fans.