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Adam Lambert tweets Wow! 70MILLION @Spotify streams of #ghostTown!! Nearly 30MILLION YouTube views of the video!!!! I LOVE MY FANS- u made it a HIT!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, October 1, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, October 01, 2015


Lam-My said...

Not bad at all! A simple song like Ghost Town can notch up a voluminous amount of views and streams. So, is it the singer or the song...both I think, but for me it's more the singer. Now, there are two versions to choose from, the Rock version and Original High version...that, could have spurred the upsurge.

Lam-My said...

70 million streams
30 million views
That's no small deal
A lot of hard work to seal
Ghost Town to its keel
So what's next
Ahh, Another Lonely Night
This one will run hot on its heels
A hit in the wings ready to spill
Hoping one fine day Adam finds
Somebody To Love for real