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Adam Lambert mention on X-factor article!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, November 23, 2015

Posted at : Monday, November 23, 2015


JAK said...

"Queen singer"....... In the UK! Well, well, well.

V Camilleri said...

He just takes my breathe away in the picture. Just wow!

nancdruuu2 said...

Will we see a video of Adam on X-fsctor UK? I still haven't found one that works for me.
Need to see and hear more of Adam! Can't get enough of of the gorgeous one!

Dee R Gee said...

He looks like the epitome of a classy celebrity star. I'm breathless. I could start listing adjectives, but you know them all.

Adam sang The Original High on the Xtra Factor. Nailed it, of course. I found vids on Atop. I don't know if they're still up, though.