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Adam Lambert Tweeted: Wow!!!!! Warsaw, Poland !!! Def one of the BEST crowds ever for #TheOriginalHighTour !!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, April 30, 2016

Posted at : Saturday, April 30, 2016

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

The audience at this show was REALLY into it, and Adam responded fantastically. Had to be one of the largest audiences he has had at a solo concert. New Glamberts born every night.

Nanbert said...

As I said earlier...the Warsaw venue is described as having a capacity for 8,000.

Nanbert said...

Published capacities for the next 4 concerts are:
5/02 - Gasometer, Vienna - 4,200
5/04 - Alcatraz, Milan - 3,000
5/05 - Volkhaus, Zurich - 1,200
5/06 - Kesselhaus, Munich - 6,000
The largest venue (in Europe) was Hartwell Arena, Helsinki at 13,349. Another large venue was the Crocus City Hall, Krasnogorsk, Russia at 7,500.

Does anyone know how to find out how well Adam's concerts have been selling? It would be great if they have all been sold out!