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Huffington Post UK: LOUD & PROUD: 14 Key LGBT Moments That Were Met With A Negative Reaction At The Time (Adam Lambert mention)

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, April 25, 2016

Posted at : Monday, April 25, 2016

2009 - Adam Lambert’s American Music Awards Performance
Adam was curiously silent about his sexuality for almost his entire time on ‘American Idol’, coming out as gay a week before the final, so he made sure he had nothing to be ashamed of with his first performance of debut single ‘For Your Entertainment’ at the AMAs in 2009.

The shocking performance saw Adam walking one of his dancers on a leash, grinding against another and, crucially, kissing his male keyboardist on the mouth, a moment which was slammed as inappropriate by the Parents Television Council. 

During a discussion on the following day’s ‘Good Morning America’, Adam’s kiss was censored, but a re-airing of Britney and Madonna’s kiss at the VMAs was not.

He said of the controversy: “Female performers have been doing this for years - pushing the envelope about sexuality - and the minute a man does it, everybody freaks out. We’re in 2009 - it’s time to take risks, be a little more brave, time to open people’s eyes and if it offends them, then maybe I’m not for them. My goal was not to piss people off, it was to promote freedom of expression and artistic freedom.”

Read more LINK 

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

I am and always will be a fan of Adam. It would take a lot more than that AMA performance to get me to walk away. Adam put it into context very well when he was interviewed afterward. Females get away with a lot more. He really did make a difference that night, and in hindsight, it will become one of the LGBT community's iconic moments. Too bad that others watched the AMAs and turned their backs on Adam forever regardless of his talent, intelligence and personality. It's the price he paid for taking a risk with no apologies.

Lam-My said...

Dec 31, 2015 - Uploaded by Rana Saha
Adam Lambert @ Marina Bay Floating Platform, Singapore. New Year 2016 Celebrations! ...

The video shows the live surrounding of the Float stage that Adam was singing Trespassing from...ain't it beautiful; 10,000 in attendance. This song suddenly fitted the contextual situation so aptly...especially these lines:

Who are you and where are you from?
We don't like when visitors come.

No Trespassing? Yeah, my ass!
Wait till ya get a load of me!

The picture posted above speaks a thousand words to me. Oh one more thing, someone from New Nation Paper sarcastically hit back at the complainants who said Adam's demeanour was "lewd"; so New Nation replied, Adam was wearing bedsheet and slippers; be that as it may, not a feather of his was ruffled strutting like the cock of the walk literally as he sang. lol!

My advice to people who try to hit and put another down, not referring to above situation only!...I say: Know your position!

Lam-My said...

The picture posted above by AdminFan is from The Sing Float NYE 2015-16.

With regard Adam's AMA was a stage enactment; look at the impeccable suit he was wearing. He has never acted out-of-line in real life, in fact he's so respectful and sensitive to other people's beliefs, principles, customs.

Anonymous said...

I remember watching that performance with such anticipation - and then being sad after watching it. Not because I disapproved, but because I knew he would get an awful backlash and he did. I admire him for his bravery on that performance but, as he said, the timing probably wasn't right for 'mainstream' America. However, he has risen above that bad time and is now an international star. The times they are a'changing and he's had a lot to do with that. Good for him!

Lam-My said...

It's not their fault that certain people are ahead in their thinking, and they should not have to pay a price just to appease people who are so stuck in their tunnel-vision one-track mentality. In fact these advanced people help stagnated people to be more progressive in their thinking. Alas, instead of appreciation, these slow thinkers attack the advanced ones. Thank goodness, it ain't so easy to knock these smart ones down; they somehow bubble up again. lwl!