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Adam Lambert "Welcome to the Show" Premiere

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Posted at : Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Adam Lambert Welcome to the Show premiere
US exclusive premiere plus a personal letter from Adam 
“Welcome To The Show is an anthem about facing exactly who you are and OWNING it. Its intended as a mantra to inspire strength and PRIDE. After recording the song a few months ago, I felt very compelled to create a video to further communicate it’s meaning.  
"This is the first time I’ve produced my own music video. With the help of my friend and long- time collaborator Lee Cherry, we set out to co-direct something notably honest. I spoke with Laleh (the brilliant songwriter who is featured on the song) and we agreed on the vulnerability we wanted captured on screen. I think the more we as artists share ourselves openly, the more someone out there may feel inspired to do the same. I also felt a strong feeling of empowerment in creating this video independent of the label system. It was time to shoot this one on my own. This video isn’t about selling a song, or product placement, or racking up viral views. This is intended simply as a creative expression. What resulted on set came from a very free and organic headspace that allowed me to connect with the camera as if it were each person who’s supported me over the last 7 years. This video is a thank you to all of you who have lined up to see the Original High World Tour. To everyone who has listened and shared my songs and given me the purpose to keep moving forward. It’s a thank you to all of you who choose to accept and Love who YOU are! We hold each other up! I want you to keep celebrating exactly who you are, even if you don’t fit into the worlds ideas of what they think you should be. Take your flaws in stride, nurture your talents, take pride in your Queerness, and share all the love you have.”

— Adam Lambert

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS 



The Dark Side said...

Wow! I love this. Quintessential Adam in all his glory and lived Lelah in her part. Winner Less Cherry and Adam!

Anonymous8 said...

Adam, always so open and vulnerable, sheds another layer of skin to reveal yet more of that inner beauty.

Wolves - stay away from this one!

Dee R Gee said...

It's sublime. It's Adam. Hope it gets tons if hits. He wrote a truly beautiful essay that says so much. Hope many discover it.

CT said...

I'm so impressed with Adam's artistry. The message he wrote is amazing, articulate, honest and so enlightening. I am in awe of Adam and his vulnerable self.

The video is what I've been waiting for all these years....Adam up front and center, although sharing the camera this time, with the lovely Laleh, but done so beautifully.

Kathy said...

LOVE IT!! Yes he is artistic even down to his little toe. Very nicely done Adam, L, and L. It's great for Adam to always throw business his friends way. They are very talented and it also shows Adam's character and how much he always thinks of others. I'm sure this will be popular among his many fans.

Unknown said...

That is just lovely.

Lam-My said...

Yes, Adam finally got it! spot-on video, no distractions, stark message; Laleh with her pure demeanour augments Adam's dynamic presence all through the video. Adam's voice, pure.

Anonymous said...

Beautuful, love it.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Finally!! a video with ADAM as the focal point ... not hidden in the artistic shadows ... out where he belongs!! His face .. his voice ... his vulnerability ... out there for everyone to share his thoughts & feelings!! Laleh looked and sounded so much better than her appearance on AI .. she is really a very pretty woman ... and Lee Cherry was the best photographer for this video too!! Love it all .. vocals .. visuals .. concept .. PERFECT!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Lam-My said...

"...facing exactly who you are and OWNING it."

Yes, this indeed is crucial and not easy to arrive at; it may even take a lifetime. A person who doesn't know who exactly he/she likened to a ship adrift without a compass/direction; detrimental to oneself and others; tends to follow or may inflate one's actual capacity; worse, leads others the wrong way...the blind leading the blind. One's environment/upbringing/culture/education/spirituality help a great deal to find the Self.
Adam knows himself and has a clear direction. I can never come to terms with a pseudo because don't know the person who may change depending on circumstances / double standards.