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List Co UK: Adam Lambert's new song celebrates diversity

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, July 7, 2016

Posted at : Thursday, July 07, 2016

 Adam Lambert in FLAUNT

Adam Lambert has revealed his new single 'Welcome To The Show' - which is accompanied by a music video he has produced himself - contains a message to celebrate the diversity of all human beings.
Adam Lambert's new single 'Welcome To The Show' is a call to celebrate diversity in all human beings.
The 34-year-old singer has unveiled a new music video which he has self-produced for the track - which also features Swedish vocalist Laleh - on the Wonderland and FLAUNT websites and has written a personal note explaining the inspiration behind the track and promo.
Adam - who tours with Queen - insists he wants people of all sexualities, different races and differing religions to find "pride" in themselves and recognise the "universal emotions" of the "human heart".
The openly gay rock star wrote: "'Welcome To The Show' is an anthem about facing exactly who you are and OWNING it. Its intended as a mantra to inspire strength and PRIDE. After recording the song a few months ago, I felt very compelled to create a video to further communicate it's meaning.

 Read more at List UK

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS