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Adam Lambert Instagram Story: "Gym Time" 12-12-16

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, December 12, 2016

Posted at : Monday, December 12, 2016


 Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS




Nanbert said...

He's been leading such a hectic life... I bet he finds it hard to get enough exercise... seems to have gained a bit of weight, but still looks wonderful.

Shelagh said...

He could do with his own personal trainer, I know of a beautiful Finnish one who could help !!

Nanbert said...

HaHa... everyone's a matchmaker. I know.... we all just want to see him happy....but there's nothing any of us can do to make that happen.

For all we know, getting permanently together with the "trainer" now might be the WORST thing that they could do... for both of them. They're friends... let that be enough for us... it is for them. You can't know the details of that relationship.

Hearing these remarks all the time might just have the opposite effect---I know if it was me, I would consider it presumptuous...and when it kept happening, I would be irritated at the constant barrage.

Adam will do what he wants to do -- and he will tell us what he wants to tell us. However, the more Glamberts attempt to "matchmake", the less Adam will "let us in". For all you know, these remarks might even "hurt" him.

Just thinking. I know we all just want the best for Adam. But I can just see him "roll his eyes" when he sees some of our comments. He is a "grown-ass" man.... after all.