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Adam Lambert interview w/ One News Page - The Blonds fashion show

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, February 18, 2017

Posted at : Saturday, February 18, 2017

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS



Lam-My said...

Adam, I may need a bit of safe haven which you always provide for everybody because you don't run people down; you are confident in your own skin; unlike some here, one in particular who unleashes long rigmaroles, so irritating. I can't even say something different, a whole horde of hollow brains comes charging.

Finally found a less convoluted spot
To rest my weary chased by numbskulls
Hollow brains who imagine they know the lot
Fumbling, lifting chunks, no substance of their own
Not interested in those self-consumed rigmaroles
Sooo boring, self-righteous, I turn ice-cold
With nothing original, yet want to be in control
So I have to keep running away from the leech
Who enjoys hearing her own self-consumed speech
Worse than nails squeak
Why do you need to follow wherever I go
What you want will never happen
I detest opportunists who latch on for personal acquirement

funbunn40 said...

Adan definitely has had some amazing opportunities with Queen & he has more than lived up to the challenge. He's so deserving!