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VOTE: Adam Lambert for @Out Magazine Most Eligible Bachelors 2017

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, February 25, 2017

Posted at : Saturday, February 25, 2017

Link to vote:

VOTE: Adam Lambert for @Out Magazine Most Eligible Bachelors 2017  

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS



Lam-My said...

Down memory lane...
2012 - Concert Epiphany

400,000 pulsating Kiev fans live at Glam-rock Queen
Stretching out his hand, his vocals sweep across a sea of humanity
Brilliant white lasers in synchronicity
Like a beacon, Adam shines a light on equality
Who wants to live forever, The show must go on, I want to break free…
Outlaws of love...sets you free
Sharing a moment of...I believe
Fast forward...a giant leap
Into an Edo garden, wearing tantalising black singlet, studded shorts and boots
Cool avant-garde summer fusion
Japanese fans wave their sunflowers and boomaramas in mutual admiration
Hop step jump...the journey continues Down-Under
Is This Love...he sings jazz with alluring candour
Soft lighting caresses his silver-blond glamour steadfast, never-say-die demeanour
He rocks and rolls into convoluted, uncharted waters, China
Rough, tough, lob it with love...his stuff, never enough
Ding ding...all aboard, move on, forget the scorn
A potpourri of Glamberts rings in the Aquarius dawn
A whirlwind touch-down on less familiar streets
He rides the crested wave into the South China Sea
Everywhere he goes, Adam is well-received
Wor ai ni 我爱你 !
What do you want from me... a duet with Zhangwei
Showcases a performance of intimacy noteworthy
Time to go home...
Debonair Glampire seduces on PLL
Donning sexy fangs against his winsome smile, he masquerades stealth
Last lap...striking his signature pose, clenched gloved-fist, legs stretched
Wearing a tethered straight-jacket...he flings and twirls its straps
Bound arms symbolising trapped...
Unfazed, gallant black knight on unicorn strikes back
Trespasses, crisscrosses the world map!
Stopping fascinated Glamberts agog in their tracks...

choons said...

hmm I don't think this is his best pic - he's always handsome but if it's a pic vote then I would have chosen a different one to represent his hotness - I have thousands to choose from ....

Dee R Gee said...

Well, the Glamberts are definitely out in force for this poll. Jut voted again.

Nanbert said...

Me too...many times. Looks like the Adam is well ahead, but no time to slack now.

Nanbert said...

Just thinking....wonder how many of Adam's votes are by Glamberts? How many by Gay men? And last, but not least, how many Glamberts are Gay men--or vice-versa.

I wonder, because Adam has hinted more than once that gay entertainers don't receive much support from the gay community. That's really sad.

Which brings me back to thinking that it's ironic that probably many, if not most, of Adam's votes are from straight women....NOT Gay men!

I doubt if that's quite what "OUT" magazine had in mind in this contest!

Nanbert said...

Adam has 89,116 votes now... 10:54 PM EST - 3/2/17 - 45%! Nice!