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ABC cancels Adam Lambert, then airs gay sex

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 1, 2010

Posted at : Friday, January 01, 2010

Just weeks after canceling Adam Lambert's daytime performances, ABC made history on Wednesday by airing the first-ever gay sex scene on daytime television.

'One Life to Live''s Oliver and Kyle (Scott Evans and Brett Claywell) finally had their onscreen love scene, followed by a tender spooning moment. Evans, who is the younger brother of 'Fantastic Four' actor Chris Evans, is openly gay.



Anonymous said...

I hope someone shows Adam this. He should sue ABC for damaging his career. I'll never watch ABC again. What jerks!! ABC is a joke!!!

Anonymous said...

It is unbelievable how Adam has been denied appearances and what he has being going thru with one musical artistic performance and now what we are looking on the above video should have definite consequences.....this is completely unacceptable......

Anonymous said...

i'm never watching ABC again, that is so unfair about what they did to adam

Anonymous said...

Boycotting abc. That is wrong and unfair and hypocritical and outright STUPID what they did. A kiss is inappropriate between two guys but SEX is perfectly acceptable?!?!
Maybe it's because Adam is a real gay man and those two are just actors, but it's still wrong.
I from this point on, will only watch ABC if Adam lambert is on it, primetime, live, and talked ti normally, not chastised for the AMAs.
And angry Adam fan should join me. ABC should suffer the consequences of the stupid decisions they made. Lose a big enough group of viewers, and maybe they'll wake up and see their stupidity.

Anonymous said...

no abc !!!! for me!!!

Anonymous said...

Thta is so unfair for Adam. But then that video is hot.

Anonymous said...

Only one thing that Adam did that maybe shouldn't have done on the AMA's, and that was the face in the crotch shot. But, ABC is going overboard with their punishment- NO Fair! I will miss the View but I can live without it. What I can't live without is Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Yea seriously. I like Jimmy kimmel, but I can survive without it. It will be worth it in the long run if ABC learns to think before they (over)react.
adam may not be taking it seriously, but ABC needs to understand that Adams fans are devoted and dedicated and won't hesitate to stand up for our glambert when we feel he's been wronged. And he was definitely wronged here

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ABC is so obviously trying to cover their collective as*es. They know they could be sued for sexual discrimination. I have news for you morons at ABC. All you have done by this daytime soap opera airing is make your guilt more obvious. You're trying to say--after the fact of clear discimination against Mr. Lambert--that, "See we're not homophobic. We showing dudes making it." The laws don't work that way, but I'm sure our smart attorneys are pouring over them even as I write this comment. You are liable for any monetary loss Adam Lambert incurred through your actions. I just hope he sues you. He's too nice a guy and doesn't want any trouble. He just wants to sing, be happy and bring happiness and his music to others. It's unfortunate he has to be beholding to bigots like the people making the decisions at you failing network. And to add fuel to the fire, you allow Jennifer Lopez to wear something that leaves nothing to the imagination. I didn't personally see her performance as I no longer watch your network, but I understand she managed to get a guy's face in her crouch. Will wonders never cease. Not only does she get away with it with no controversy, she stole Adam's dance movement. Adam is a decent human being with more intelligence than the ABC executive have combined. And that's not even mentioning his crazy unworldly talent. I will be attending every tour anywhere near where I live. He is an amazing man, and I admire him so much.

Anonymous said...

yea ABC needs to learn that when it comes to Adam, his fans are dead serious. You don't mess with our Adam unless you want his fans fighting back. Sweet guy that he is, Adam doesn't try to elevate the controversy, and has even defenses the network. Us Adam fans won't stand for that. We aren't simply fans; so many have been emotionally helped by Adam, and we love Adam, his music, voice, personality, charisma, wit, and beauty. To have a package like he is be insulted , discriminated against, and thrown under the bus by a bigot network with no respect, we will not let this pass lightly.
ABC, you have my word, I will no longer be watching your damned channel and hope (and am sure of, judging by these previous posts) that many other fans will join me.
And furthermore, as the latter poster stated, j-lo got no flack for shoving a mans head in her crotch, a move pretty much immortalized by lambert, in a painted on bodysuit whatever (and let's not forget she's MARRIED), but when a single gay man did it to a man, it'd be an instant cause for controversy.
And then of course, showing two actors having gay sex on primetime tv during a break when kids would obviously see it is very appropriate, but a gay man kissing a single straight man WHO HAD GIVEN HIS CONSENT during late night television on a school night, when kids should be sleeping, is vastly out of line.
And of course, the fact that you built it up to BE shocking and then threw Adam under the bus as soon as it was proved it was indeed was low. So who gives a damn it wasn't rehearsed, you obviously knew something.
ABC you are childish and immature and I will freely never watch you agan UNTIM Adam is put back on under these conditions:
- it is live (not pretaped like the view)
- it is during prime time tevision viewing hours
- it will allow Adam to perform
- the conversation will not be you chastising him for the AMAs IN ANY WAY and you issue some form of apology fir your actions
- there will be many to make up for the ones you canceled.
These are fair agreements and I think many will agree. Until these conditions are met, so long ABCP

Anonymous said...

People please send your complaints to ABC at and go to the bottom of the page for contact ABC. Share you thoughts with them where they can hear it.

Amazing to consider that Adam has done probably 50 performances in our living room in 2009 and people want to judge him on one 4 minute performance after he has given us so much.

Anonymous said...

People, people, look at it in a different light. Look what our Adam did...he opened ABC's executives' minds to the world that is really out there. Again, my hat's off to Adam.

Anonymous said...

I think abc's treatment of Adam had nothing to do with homophobia. It was a dude being sexy! We all KNOW that Adam is Really Sexy even if he is just standing there doing nothing. Some of his own fans chastised him for that performance which totally was off the charts(except the singing). Adam is about entertaining people and has said repeatedly that he is no poster boy for gay right nor does he want to be. I personally hope he goes WILD in 2010 and performs the way he and only he can! Take us to a sexy place with you Adam-we(the fans) can't get enough. ABC past new

Anonymous said...

I saw this show and believe me it wasn't darkened like it was here, had no prooblem seeing everything quite plainly. this gay scene has been building up for months and they had to show it on a day prior to not allowing us to see Adam on NYE. What nerve!!!
I think contacting ABC is a waste of time now, we should contact the Advertisers of ABC, let them know how we feel and when we stop buying their products they will listen to us. I am going to watch ABC and make a list of the Advertisers and I will contact them!!
The FCC stood as the Scapegoat for ABC, this is plain to see because if that had been the case then ABC would not have allowed One Life To Live
and Jennifer Lopaz to put on these shows because of the Fines that FCC would have given to them.
So that is a bunch of ---- that the FCC shut Adam down...
Contact the Advertisers that is how to hurt ABC, in the pockets

Anonymous said...

Damage Control by ABC!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have addresses to let ABC know and understand that what they did was unfair - POLITELY - of course????