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Adam Lambert and Megan Joy!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, February 26, 2010

Posted at : Friday, February 26, 2010

Megan posted this picture just a few hours ago on her Twitter!

" sorry guys no adam and kris together... didnt happen in megan photobooth land :) "
-Megan Joy



Anonymous said...

i think these two are good friends. i quite like megan joy and hope she will have a record deal soon. good luck megan.

Anonymous said...

Megan's so pretty. Adam looks kinda funny in that pic. Haha.

Anonymous said...

Adam looked tired!

Anonymous said...

Adam is so hot!!! Megan looks kinda weird in that picture. I guess she is trying to be funny.

coloforadam said...

I think she fell hard for Adam - just imagine how difficult that must have been to be with him so much and then say goodbye. I remember that very intrusive video of how she could not let go of him at the buses at end of tour. It's probably taken this long to recover and just talk about the friendship. Just sayin' Just speculatin' Thanks Megan for sharing what must be a treasured picture. We GET it!!

Anonymous said...

Liked Megan Joy. Wish she could do one of those old sound CDs. A voice from the past.