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Adam Lambert Calls Out Rude Cell Phone User

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another news segment on that whole ordeal. How did that turn into such a big national news? I'm just glad most of the media are on Adam's side.


Anonymous said...

I'm also wondering how it became such a big deal. But I mean it's Adam lambert, so I guess he's like king mitis. Everything he touches turned to big news lol

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

So strange that the media is making this to be a big news.

I was reading some blogs and some people actually like Adam more after hearing about this news because they think talking on the phone during an intimate concert is rude. So I guess this is not bad afterall.

Anonymous said...

We're all going to have to get used to the fact that anything Adam does in front of a camera is going to be big news to someone, somewhere. He is a star now. Yeah!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the morning show on my local radio station here in South Africa played the audio of that on Wednesday morning and they loved what Adam did!Btw FYE is at #2 on the Take40SA chart on the same radio station this week.

Anonymous said...

Always nice to hear how Adam's doing on charts in countries other than USA. Thanx

Anonymous said...

Well, its better than the constant talk over the AMA's, I suppose, haha. Its kind of funny how everything he does ends up being this huge splash. Must suck for has no privacy but its just the cost of notoriety.

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that Adam always makes "news," even if it's only over a cell phone. Speaks to his stardom!