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Video of the girl who fainted during Adam's set

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 14, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, February 14, 2010

Adam's so sweet. He stopped his performance to check if the girl was alright. The girl turned out to be fine and Adam continues his set.


Anonymous said...

he is sooooo nice!!!!!the best ever!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oneday Adam will end up with a girl.....That's where he will find real love. One interview he said he didn't rule that out. Hes just waiting for his career to move forward...wait and see if he don't.Hes sooooooo sweet to everybody. What a big heart he has. Love ya Adam

Anonymous said...

So what? He can't find 'real love' with a guy? In my opininon he says those things for his female fans to fuel fantastys. Adam's an honest guy but he's also a smart one when it comes to the music business. He knows what keeps people interested he said as much in his Fuse interview. Plus he's had ALOT of time to experiment with girls if he was interested he'd have dated one by now. He'll find love, but most likely it will be with a guy and that's great! Good for him. As for the video, yes he's super sweet and I hope that girl was ok. Poor thing.

Anonymous said...

TO ANONYMOUS 2---- sorry to be rude but does everyone HAVE to make everything about his sexuality?! He was being sweet to a girl who fainted, he wouldve don't the same if it was a boy, there is NO reason to ONCE AGAIN to make it about his sexual preferences. He's single right now, he's gay right now. Leave it at that. Go discuss it on a page ABOUT his sexuality, but not on a page with absolutely NO relation to the topic.

Please just shut the hell up about his orientation and enjoy his performances
and videos, because I am goddamn sick of hearing about this.

P.S. I'm sorry to be rude, but it has to be said

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

as long as adam is that hot nobody is going to stop talking about that. it just goes with the territory.

Anonymous said...

You go Emmaline. My thoughts exactly. He's just a nice guy when all is said and done.

Anonymous said...

I have posted many times that Adam has said he doesen't like that some of his fans have to mention hid sexuality when talking about him. GIVE IT UP, PEOPLE!!Let Adam be just Adam. You hurt his career with the constant Gay reference.

Anonymous said...

Amen to the last comment...grow up people!

Anonymous said...

Not many performers would stop the show because of concern for someone in the audience. That's why ADAM is so important to his fans ... he's a fantastic performer & a wonderful HUMAN BEING! If other people don't get ADAM's closeness with his fans ... that's their loss!

Anonymous said...

His speaking voice is magnificent, smooth, adorable, sexy

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie to make sure she was okay.

Anonymous said...

Another girl standing in front of me at the concert fainted too, but we were on the side and further back so Adam didn't see her. Someone had thrown a red, feather boa onto the stage. Adam wiped the sweat on his face with it and threw it back into the crowd. This young lady caught it, rubbed it on her face, and then fainted. She fainted from the heat, but not the heat in the room, the heat from Adam. Security came and helped her out. That concert was totally amazing.

Anonymous said...

^^^ I hope she's ok and got to keep the boa :). Anyone who caught it should be able keep it, especially if they passed put after catching it - she
deserves it.
But I really really hope all those that fainted are ok. I don't think Adam realizes the power and heat his presence contains. I think it might be true what we say about him being dangerously sexy lol.
I mean Listening to Adam makes ME really weak. I made the mistake of listening to him when I was getting blood drawn for a blood test and completely passed out (I had never passed out getting blood drawn before) and I was out for several minutes. And that was in my head. I can't imagine what happens to the girls at the concert.
The only other time ice heard about people fainting was at Michael Jackson concerts, and I never heard that he stopped the show to make sure they were ok.
Adam can't control his power and presence. I can't imagine his tour lol.
But again I really hope that girl and all the girls
are ok and Adam was so sweet to stop the
show for her <3

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap!!! Ok I am dead serious the girl who passed out was me! Im fine but I passed out and woke up and he was looking at Me. Out of evry other
Person in the whole room, Me. He just kept staring at me, so my brain, being out-of-whack and hving my stupid fantasies tht I kno won't come true, thot Adam Lambert liked me... I kno it's crazy but thts want I thot! Haha then I realize he's talking 2 Me. Me. He was saying "r u ok?" and I was like waht? Haha I was proud of the fact tht Adam was giving Me advice on how 2 help my passing out! Haha I drank the water proudly and stood up proudly and evrything! Haha I was so happy he knew I Was there. Throughout the concert he kept making glances ovr towards me. It was officially the best night evr! Haha I think he was totally interested in me:P jk. So thts how it all played

Anonymous said...

That Adam showed not only concern but prescribed water for the woman shows how genuinely selfless and smart the man is. His voice and his using the "honey" endearment could revive and melt any heart simultaneously. Just hearing him in this tape strikes me to the core for the guy.