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Adam lambert on HEAT WORLD

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, March 26, 2010

Posted at : Friday, March 26, 2010


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree tattoos on your whole arm is just bad

jordan!! said...

lol he is sooo funny makes me laugh!! <3 and i dont mind if he gets tattos he is still beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Please don't tatoo your beautiful body, Adam!!! nothing to distract from your beautiful eyes!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam - Please, please no arm tattoo. They're ugly and you're too beautiful. You don't need to imbellish yourself with something permanent. You might not like it in a few years and you'll be stuck with it. Keep the Eye of Horus special for you.

Anonymous said...

He wants to perform VOODOO in Vancouver!!! yes!yes!YESSSSS!!!! omg Apr 8th cannot get here soon enough! :D

Anonymous said...

adam please no no no more visible tattoo, you are too beautiful for that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tattoos! I hate them. But it's a generational thing. For the older generations, tattoos represented sleeze and lower sociological class. They were often associated with the criminal element and people who served time. They were and still are common among gang members. Many in the military would get tats they later wished they didn't have. If someone had a tat, we would judge them--usually negatively. This is not the case with today's young people. Many of us can't get past our prejudice against tattoos. I imagine Adam's parents have the same views about tats that I do. Adam is a free spirit and will do whatever his nature tells him to do. That's why we love him. I just hope he doesn't do something radical that would mess up his overall appearance for the older generations. There's an innocense and vulnerability about him that would be lost if he does a lot more piercings and tats, and that would be sad.

Anonymous said...

Can't tatoo the voice -- thats what is important

Anonymous said...

PLEEEEEEEASE NO more tattoos! I love the down-to-earth, natural, and unadorned Adam. He is blessed with so many gifts and he should treasure all of them.
P.S. This website is the BEST...just what I need for my Adam addiction!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam, do a sleeve of tattoos! I would die of hapiness! I live in Seattle, and everyone is covered in tattoos. It's very common up here. I agree w/the comment, above, about it being generational. I have 5 myself, but they're all in places (except one on my wrist) where people don't see them, unless I want them to be seen (they're mostly on my back). Tattoos no longer hold the negative connotation of generations past. They're sexy! Oh Adam, I don't know how you could get any sexier, but a full sleeve of tattoos would put me over the edge in my fantasies about you. Yow!!

Anonymous said...

Hate any part of the body covered in tatoos. Ugh and you're stuck with them for life. Plus, they are even less attractive at 75.

Anonymous said...

Have as many bloody tattoos as you like, as long as you love them it's nobody else's business. We love ya any way!

Anonymous said...

NNoooooo.... Adam please dont tatoo your arms! We love you as you are now!

Anonymous said...

I hate tattoos and I love Adam. The thought of him covering his arms with tattoos depresses me. He is so beautiful and natural as he is. I hope he changes his mind about the whole arm. I find it so vulgar and unattractive and it would change his whole appeal.

Anonymous said...

Oh god !!!!!! The only thing that has stuck in my mind after listening to this chat is.... THE TATTOOS !!!!! UUUGGGG! Please don't do it Adam. You are such a class act and arms covered with tattoos would totally ruin your look. We love Adam Lambert the way he

Anonymous said...

I remember him saying how he loved Megan Joy's half sleeve tattoo and he wanted to do something similar. Now he's talking about the whole arm!! I am from the older generation where drunken sailors ended up with a tat and didn't remember how they got it. Times have changed a lot and both men and women are into this. I even thought about getting one myself to honor my husband after he died, but I have since changed my mind (like 2:03 said, down the road, 75 year old tattoed flesh is not an appealing thought at all). Unfortunately, it appears that Adam has made up his mind to do this (hell of a way to cover your freckles, gorgeous man!) and all our whining and pleading isn't going to change his mind. We'll just have to respect his wishes and keep loving him, just the way he is! He wears long sleeves most of the time, anyway. He'll always be beautiful to me, tats and all.

Anonymous said...

Adam you are one classy guy and if you want tattoo's..GO FOR IT!....Your Eye Of Horus is
awesome and you've let me touch that tattoo and
so I do know how fantastic it looks and has great meaning to will another if YOU
choose to get one. Adam will do what Adam wants!
He is a man not a kid!

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the U.S. has huge trouble with tattoo's. The rest of the world are more
accepting and loves them. Hollywood loves them too! And apparently so does Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

I'm from the "rest of the world" and I personally hate them

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind if he got one on his upper arm, but not a whole sleeve. His skin is too beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I don't know.. I think Adam has a very artistic sense of style, one that is rather pleasing aesthetically. So whatever tattoo he is going to get, it would obviously fit wonderfully with his overall image. And I am pretty sure he would want to be very particular about that.

Actually, I quite liked Megan's sleeve tattoo. It had an airy sort of mystical, fairytale touch to it. It was very beautiful. Plus it suited her really well.

Whatever it is, we have to remember, Adam isn't exactly your regular ol', chip off the block, glam rock superstar. He's got a very unorthodox and unique take on things. Its an individualistic spin.
And honestly, it's that very aspect of his whole persona that has kept us this hooked onto in him in the first place.

That, 'Oh, whatever is that man going to do next?'

Anonymous said...

In keeping with the times, I'd like to point out that, art as a form of expression and general beautification has evolved imperviously over the ages, and some art forms, more than often have taken to incorporate impactful elements of the old and the underdog as a tribute, together with the appreciation for life and human history.

It is exactly that eccentricity of art that has revered tattooing to its level of regality in artistry today. The wonders an expressionist could create with the many shades and colours of tattooing ink on something as versatile and mutable as skin, is like oil on canvas during its glory days.

A tattoo can never look the same on any two skins, and that is because skin itself changes shades according to its present states. One shade of ink could look plain on one, but incredible on another.

It is exactly that versatility, ladies, and gents, that sheer ability to make or break that has present day artists of all sorts enamored, our Adam included.

If you don't believe me, try asking your high school children (or friends) why they just can't stop doodling on their palms and wrists.

I'm in university and I still do.
(Probably because I'm far too young for a tattoo parlour. But, that's neither here nor there.)

Anonymous said...

LOL! @ The long pause after he describes what he sleeps in.
Cheeky, Adam.

Anonymous said...

anonymous above:you're post was so awesome! thank was a pleasure to read sth so well written. i've also realized that apart from the idiots telling Adam what to do (personally not a big fan of tatoos but it'll be sexy on him- everything is), there are a lot of interesting and intelectual people visiting this blog which, like me, have an Adam obsession. that's why it would be great to create an official fan club where everyone could join, meet and converse - not only from the USA (I'm from western europe).

Anonymous said...

Aww, thanks, Dominika.
I'm from Malaysia. ;)
And yes, official fan clubs WOULD be great, right?

Aww, but hey our fellow fans aren't idiots. No one is. Its just, Adam excites us to such a level that at times we stop thinking rationally altogether.

And, a little excitement really is no harm. ;D