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Adam Lambert to Perform at Wango Tango 2010 on May 15 in LA!!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 29, 2010

Posted at : Monday, March 29, 2010

Usher, Ludacris, Justin Bieber, Kesha, B.O.B., Iyaz, Adam Lambert at Wango Tango!!! Details >>>

This is KIIS-FM’s annual Wango Tango Concert Festival. It takes place at the Staples Center in Downtown Los Angeles May 15.

Credit: smackmydishup


Anonymous said...

Good News for Adam and his fans

shame about that kid bieber and his Usher Man playing too!!!!!!!!!
why does the bieb kid get so much airplay!!!!!!
dont get it..
..oh yeah forgot hes not Gay!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Too bad Bieber is there lol. I don't get the hype. He's trending on Twitter for the past few weeks. He's not interesting at all. Maybe the teenager girls need themselves a straight teen to obsess over until they grow up.

Anonymous said...

bieber is not my thing, but i'm 38. i hope i don't get it. funny thing is my kids, 9 and 12 love adam and don't get bieber either and they are girls

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bieber puzzles me too. I think he takes up valuable Adam airtime. I'm sure he's a nice kid and all, but he can't look in the mirror and identify exactly who he is like Adam can. Not trying to hack anyone off, but the only term that I can come up with that everyone will understand is whigger. I have absolutely nothing against black people in general, but white people who try to "act black" get on my damn nerves. I have a lot of black friends that can't stand that personna either. Adam says, "Don't be who I am, be who you are." Bieber should take that advice and "be down with that".

Anonymous said...

Remember Aron Carter? Where is he now? Same thing will happen with lady bieber. I thuoght he was a girl for a long time. My kids 12 ,10 and 8 don't like Bieber but can't stop singing along to Adam. At least my kids have taste in music. Like me:). Glad Adam is on this gig. Bieber , Kesh and usher will NEVER get to Adams lever. They just don't have the IT factor that Adam oozes.

Anonymous said...

First, Anon 10:28 you don’t get to decide what the appropriate mannerisms are for black people or anyone else—you just don’t. Secondly, JB has probably been strongly influenced by hip-hop culture which successfully infiltrated the suburbs in the mid-90s. We know that due to extremely successful marketing, white teens are the most avid consumers of anything hop-hop. Finally, to say Adam hasn’t also been extremely influenced by hip-hop and soul culture from waaay is extremely short sighted. If you listen to Adam’s belts and runs you can hear the influences clearly which can be traced back to Robert Johnson, Bessie Smith and so on.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:46, WHUT ???????????? If Adam Lambert knows who Bessie Smith is, or has even heard her music, I will eat my socks. OMFG she was even before my time, and appealed to a very narrow fan base. And...............if you can get Adam Lambert to sing hip-hop (one of his influences, are you kidding me?) I will give you kudos. You need to do a little more reaearch on the influences of Adam Lambert. And by the way, JB has been influenced by the internet. Period.

Anonymous said...

baby bieber kid child tweenager only acts like he is trying to be a cool black dude,cause he is controlled by big daddy usher wonder how much cash he(usher) will get from this silly little boy
oh well he'll soon be history, 3 times in 1 hour his bloody alwful single is played how many times for our Adam singles,sorry i can't hear! just a i thought! none!!

Anonymous said...

Re anon 11.46
If you listen to Adam’s belts and runs you can hear the influences clearly which can be traced back to Robert Plant,Freddie Mercury! actually!!
please get REAL!

Anonymous said...

STOP!!! There are publics for all types of artists. Obviously, the Bieber teenager appeals to some. I personally don't get it. But the same way I don't want people bashing on Adam Lambert for whatever reasons, I certainly will not bash on another singer.

Adam is an EXCEPTIONAL talent that I find totally awesome. I love listening to his CD and seeing him perform live (acoustic and full out with his band). I look forward to his many future projects, be them in music, television, theatre or elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Anon 11:46,I stand by my assesment but I definitely need clarify, ALL western popular music has soul influences. Soul is a progenitor of rock, hip-hop, dance, pop and anything else that leads with the downbeat. For example, soul originated from enslaved people's music in the American South this music influenced Bessie Smith/Robert Johnson, Bessie Smith/ Robert Johnson influenced Aretha Franklin/James Brown, AF/JB influenced Michael Jackson/ Christina Aguilera MJ/CA influenced Adam Lambert. The same can be said for JB—Michael Jackson influenced Usher and Usher influenced Justin Beiber. That’s not to say JB is the next Michael Jackson but if you listen to MJ from the late 60s and early 70s the influences are clear. And just because an artist has influences does not mean that those influences dominate the artist’s style or that the artist is sucessful within a genre.

melissa toronto said...

I agree with 1:33pm. This site is to support & show our LOVE for Adam, but not need to be negative towards other artist. Being an Adam addicted fan, I rather spent my possitive energy & love for Adam. Adam always show love & support to other artist.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, well Anonymous 2:03 you are WAAAAAAy over-analyzing, Beiber is too young and iexperienced to have "influences". This kid is singing what he is told to sing, like a good little boy. Trust me, he is no young Michael Jackson,( Michael had a hugely strong familial musical backgroud as a child) but just a cash-cow because of the tweens now. This too shall pass..........

Anonymous said...

No need to bash other artists.They're just trying to do their thing like Adam.It's mean-spirited and petty and just as low as the Adam haters.There's room for all types of music that doesn't take anything away from beautiful Adam. Think he would like us to follow his lead and not be neagative.It's ok to favor one performer {like Adam} over another,but no need to be unkind.

Anonymous said...

Justin Beiber is for the "young" tweens and that is where his fanbase is and we all know that they are the ones that own the internet with their twitter accounts and facebook, etc. Personally, I get tired of seeing his face and name everywhere, however, that being said I'm sure there are those who say the same about Adam. So I guess my point is let the young girlies have Justin and leave him alone, just as I would want people to stop ragging on Adam. Just and let live.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! True!
Now where were we
Oh Yes, God Adam you are so Adorable,Sexy,Charming in everything you do,
your Charisma is so Beautiful
Thankyou for stealing our Hearts,

Anonymous said...

this is my personal opinion: justin bieber is only 15 and soon his voice will crack, i think his handlers are making the most of it, records after records to take advantage of his boyish voice and looks beside the teenagers are more aggressive in making radio requests.

Anonymous said...

Cudos to you 2:49. You said it all; there's
nothing left to comment about. TY

For those of you who still want to argue - go somewhere else. JS

Anonymous said...

Bieber's just a cute teen idol - nothing wrong with him....

Anyway, please vote for Adam in MTV's March Madness contest:

Anonymous said...