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Mix 106.5 Interview -Adam Lambert-

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 8, 2010

Posted at : Monday, March 08, 2010

March. 8, 2010 Mix 106.5 Sydney Radio Station "ant and becks show" Adam Lambert Interview

Credit: adamholic


Anonymous said...

Oh, you're such a tease, Adam, daring to be naked on radio interview. LOL! Love you, baby.

Anonymous said...

wow! adam is everywhere in sydney, just wondering if he will go to melbourne tomorrow.

ariesglam said...


Anonymous said...

Proud of him for asserting himself about the assumptions of the DJ's. They were completely assholes. But, as always, Adam was gracious while proving a point. I'm sure he humored them a great deal and didn't REALLY take his clothes off and the kiss sounded fake. Damn it! If he's gonna take his clothes off, at least let us see.


Anonymous said...

Oh, wow. These guys were kinda goofy. But I LOVE the way Adam called the dude on blushing at the end after dude *kissed* Adam

sharon said...

Incredible interview. I love Adam's sense of humor with these crazy dudes. I was having this huge fantasy about Adam..and loved it when Adam mentioned the blushing.

Anonymous said...

These DJ"s weren' being AH's they were just having fun with Adam. Don't be so serious.