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Adam Lambert in Munich Today

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Picture of Adam From Munich Germany Today at FFH!!

Credit: Musicslide


Anonymous said...

Adorable as Ever,and Looking Cool as Ever
God don't you just love this Handsome Guy

Anonymous said...

Love him!

Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous and flawless as usual. who's that other guy?

Anonymous said...

he looks like some very pleased German Fan ahh bless him he must be elated to have meet Adam
aah there goes Adam again generating happiness and love,hes is such a soft and gentle man WHO could not Love Him,he keeps us happy and sane in this dark dreay world
love to all glamberts xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Now you are making people overseas happy with your sweetness......lucky people of Germany. You seem to be able to be so much more accessable across the ocean. I am so happy they all treat you will the utmost respect, and allow you to roam about without grabbing and chasing you like would happen here in the states. If you want to come to a small town and walk around in comfort, let me can come visit me!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! me too! (*-*)

Anonymous said...

yeah, me three!