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Simon Cowell: Adam Lambert should have won 'American Idol'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 8, 2010

Posted at : Monday, March 08, 2010

Simon Cowell was on 'The Tonight Show With Jay Leno' and he said that Adam should have won 'American Idol' instead of Kris Allen.

A video should be coming soon.


Anonymous said...

hurray! i love you simon! that is what i am waiting for, words of truth coming from you (the best judge ever). thanks

Anonymous said...

Wow - can't wait to hear that!

Anonymous said...

He's telling the truth. Simon knows the machine behind the AI show. If Simon was the one to pick the winner, he would have picked Adam. He even said during the Top 5 that Adam should be the one to win and he was rooting for him all the way.

Anonymous said...

simon was right then -and he is right now-i told you so look at what happen. a world wide super star and very famous in diffrent countries; japan australia and singapore and etc.simon is a phsychic man but the american people or at& t making fraud of thiese voting electronically.
i know kris allen is in denial. kris got the title but adam got the deeds.

Anonymous said...

It does not matter to Adam WHO won. It was just a chance to get a fan base and display his incredible self to launch a career. I am an ADDICTED Adam fan,and I never think twice about who won. When I see them appear together they have an amazing and amusing friendship.(see Jim Cantiello KRADISON interview MTV). Simon said a long time ago that Adam was a worldwide star. .Good pr for Leno AND Simon.......

Anonymous said...

YES! Finally, someone has the courage to tell the truth. I did not like Mr. Mean before this but I have a new opinion of him now.

AI big-wigs did not have the courage to admit that something went very wrong there and they know it.

Anonymous said...

Now that he is leaving Idol he can say it.Kris win undermined American Idol's credibility

Anonymous said...

I love you, Simon, for daring to say that after all. Simon is for real. He never tried to pretend that he was happy with the result. It just needed time for Simon to blurt out the truth and what's in his heart. It can never be denied, ADAM is the BEST that came on that AI stage. And Simon's prediction is coming true: That AI has found what it was searching for: a Worldwide SUPERSTAR! That's ADAM.

Anonymous said...

While I never mean to understate Adam’s raw talent there is a lot to be said for Adam’s work ethic. Adam entered the competition as a working professional sans contract – really, he was overqualified for AI. The thing about Adam that will sustain his success is that he works hard AND smart and week after week Simon could see this.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Simon! It's great to hear that from you! I respect you for that!