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Adam Lambert at Heaven HMV Concert in London

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, April 26, 2010

Posted at : Monday, April 26, 2010


Anonymous said...

hi 24/7 i am having problems trying to get into this site????? never had problems before?? this is the message that comes up
We are sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.
When reporting this error to Blogger Support or on the Blogger Help Group, please:
* Describe what you were doing when you got this error. * Provide the following error code and additional information.
is this correct or some kinda spoof???
i cannot get in to your site only by this heaven thread ???
please has anyone else had this problem? and can you give any advice,i visit everyday several times so am very unhappy i cant get my daily fix on Adam
very sad Lambrit

Anonymous said...

Not sure where to put this, but you've got to see the Glam Nation Tour trailer done by a fan. Fantastic!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Glam Nation Tour...EPIC!!!

Anonymous said...

Glam Nation Tour Trailer is Brilliant,Excellently put together,Surely the Most Fantastic Person to ever Walk this PLANET coming to you in the USA soon

melissa toronto said...

Annon 4:29PM I had the same problem, the Spotted in London thread got me in. Maybe just some temporary connection problem. What do I know??

Anonymous said...

hi adam's fans - we need to help adam, susan boyle is no. 8 now at time poll, adam still in no. 6, if we don't do something he will be overtaken by susan boyle. poll finishes on 29th april. please help!!

Anonymous said...

i don't understand what happened to people (fans) voting for Adam it just stopped...please we all need to vote!!! NOW!!!!! above is right can you imagine Susan boyle bumping Adam down to the 7th spot!!!!!!! it seems like just a few loyal fans are trying real hard to keep in in the 6th at 2010 Time 100 poll