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Adam Lambert chat with Afterelton at GLAAD!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, April 21, 2010

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melissa toronto said...

Adam is so Hot! Everybody want a piece of him, ooooohh...yeahhh.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so cute, it would be too difficult to hide how gay I love his confidence and openness and sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

Adam appears way more serious and confident lately.

Anonymous said...

Adam was sooo dreamy in this clip! Such star quality!

Anonymous said...

You've gotta love ADAM! He is so darn out there!
Admirable quality for sure! Now, if only people
would show the love we sure would have a beautiful glittery world! And ADAM and Cheeks can
lead the way! Glitter, creativity plus the genius factor for both of them!

Anonymous said...

Aaawww, Rob Halford from Judas Priest said Adam is his idol and that he loves him so much. Rob thinks Adam has an incredible voice and a fantastic talent. I agree wholeheartedly!