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Adam Lambert - Daily Star Interview

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, April 06, 2010


AFTER coming runner-up on American Idol last year I am finally releasing my debut album For Your Entertainment in the UK and it’s a blast – I get to play dress-up for a living.

All artists are a little bit crazy – I’m a little bit crazy for sure as that’s what makes us good at what we do.

And it makes us a hell of a lot more interesting.

I think to really be liberated onstage as a performer you really have to suspend disbelief and live a little bit in a fantasy world or else it doesn’t quite work.

When I’m onstage I’m not thinking about the outside world; I’m in my own little special dimension.

Lady GaGa is a perfect example of that, and she’s a genius.

If you are making music that everybody likes then it’s probably not going to be that great – it’ll be more middle of the road and bland.

When it comes to style I have a strong point of view and hopefully that attracts certain fans and makes an impact.
Visuals are so important.

If you look at GaGa’s music, sonically it’s straight ahead really, really good pop music with a dance beat and great production.

The songs are have great hooks and beats to dance to, and her lyrics get you thinking.

As she’s written a lot of these songs it gives her the credibility that you need as a popstar these days, but it’s her visual that makes her stand out.

That’s something that a lot of people don’t realise.

People think this life is glamerous, and it is at times, but it’s a lot of work with little sleep.

Luckily I love meeting people and seeing new places.

GaGa wrote a track on my album called Fever and I love, love, love it as it’s one of the most fun tracks to perform live.

If we release it as a single it would be great to get her in the video with me.

We’d make our own new dance moves too.

I love the video for Telephone, it’s so psychotic - it’s got that Tarantino thing going on; female empowerment, and that Thelma and Louise energy.



Anonymous said...

Psychotic is a good word for Telephone. I like the song but hated the video. The dead dog was just too much for my taste. Yes I know it's fantasy, but why include the dog? Murdering people and dogs--yep that's psychotic all right. And Adam, that's not female empowerment. That's just brutality. JMO.

Anonymous said...

Hi i agree with above anon 7.17
there was no need to show a dead dog!!
but it does not surprized me as most pop stars in America wear Furs which Disgusts me!! its Ignorance and cruelty for the sake of Fashion!!
sadly adam has been wearing animal tails,i so hoped he didnt go down that Fur Road
The Fur Trade is Very cruel!!
I live in England UK
Adam PLEASE leave wearing Fur to the R&B Ganster Music Stars

Anonymous said...

The video is fantasy and so is the dog. If you're really concerned about cruelty to animals you need to look into how animals are killed before they are butchered. So if you eat meat your just as guilty as people that wear real fur.

Anonymous said...

'visual' is Lady Ga Ga alright. She is an amazing out the box, so GA GA!
.....ADAM a spectacular visual
and brilliant! Both individuals and both mind blowing beyond words! Together they would create
a giant glitter explosion which would cover the
planet! Oh, the thought of that would put people in raptures!

Anonymous said...

heard the telephone video was gaga's idea. so weird but she a huge fan base. she is leading time magazine 2010 most influential people by huge margin. adam still no. 5 can't catch up with 4 people above him.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to vocals, Adam and GaGa are both superb. When it comes to visuals, Adam still is (generally) superb, but GaGa is so over-the-top that she simply looks ridiculous. She's a freak show. gets her noticed... and talked about (look, I'm doing it)...but it's disgusting. Adam, please don't go down that road!

Anonymous said...

Adam and GaGa are more than amazing.
PS I am always curious what the 1st article is at the top of this site. You all have an irritating advertisement at the top that covers it. You need to drop the list of articles or move the advertisement - please.

Anonymous said...

re anon 12.30
yes i am VERY aware how animals SUFFER for the meat trade,and NO i do not eat meat!!!
i am not an ignorant person i adore animals why do you think i added my comment ?????
if you wear fur in the UK you are likely to have full blown abuse thrown at you or some substance to damage the animal fur!!
innocent (gods creatures)Animals are too easily used and abused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am sad that Adam who i love very much choose to wear animal tails!!!

Anonymous said...

When you can't see something because of the ad, just go to the bottom of the page and all of the blogs are listed there is a row.