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Adam Lambert Hoping to Make the Cut on 'Eclipse' Soundtrack

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 22, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 22, 2010

For the record, Adam said this a few months ago. It's strange that the media is picking this up now. What do you guys think? Do you think it would do good for Adam's career if Suburban Decay is part of the Twilight Eclipse soundtrack?

He's got the dark and mysterious vibe down, but is Adam Lambert the right musical fit for a vampire flick? We'll find out when the soundtrack for Eclipse drops on June 8.

Adam's pulling for his song "Suburban Decay" to wow the powers that be. "Hey, Eclipse...Want my song? It's kind of about vampires," he says referring to a verse in the track about bloodlust. Seems fitting, no?

The song was dropped from Adam's debut CD, but he still considers it to be a great tune. "I hope to perform it someday, and I think it will find a home on a soundtrack or something...maybe Twilight," he tells MTV. "It just didn't quite fit [in my album]. It's very theatrical."



lois from Iowa said...

Yes, what a wonderful thing for Adam to have another song on a Movie

Anonymous said...

I think, he wouldn't turn any opportunity down, but, I am sure this was and offhanded remark made in playful, jest some time ago by Adam in response to some interview question. I would be very surprised if this song actually showed up on this soundtrack.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's a fan. So it should be good.

Anonymous said...

i don't know..not sure about this one..i think he should think about it before he does...but maybe he'll give us something new and interesting to listen to..

Anonymous said...

Well, it certainly didn't hurt Muse's career, now did it?

Anonymous said...

Nope. It didn't hurt Muse's career. In fact, they became bigger after being part of Twilight Soundtrack.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what great exposure THAT would be for him! I actually didn't know Muse until I watched Twilight. I love them now!

Anonymous said...

It would be great. I hope they will use it. With Adam's theatrical vocals it would be EPIC.
I say: YES!
How the heck it's going to hurt anything?

Anonymous said...

i am dying to hear surburban decay adam's version. i hope the song will make it.

Anonymous said...

a the rumor mill! It was actually the interviewer Jim C of MTV that said oh Twilight and then Adam was like yeah, its kinda about vampires, there's a line about bloodlust! so now suddenly he's dying to be on the album. Well there's no downside that's for sure!! whey not? too bad its not a sony film, then they would do it!!

Anonymous said...

I want this song on the Eclipse soundtrack now. It is brilliant music and fits the story like fangs fit into a neck. New Moon's soundtrack was lame. Adam would help Eclipse so much. I'd go see the movie three more times just to hear his voice in the movie. I hope Summit is smart.

Anonymous said...

Im still disappointed that Alice in Wonderland came out before Adam's "Down the Rabbit Hole!" Maybe they could add it as an extra when it comes out in dvd. Just hoping for both possibilities. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam needs to be tied up with Twilight anything! (even if it does come out on my birthday!) Adam is not one to be stereotyped!

Anonymous said...

But he made the sexiest glampire ever! Hell, I'd love to see him in the movie in addition to singing on the soundtrack. Then maybe the movie wouldn't be such an intense yawn like the last two. Edward who? The world will quickly forget him when Adam is on screen. How could this not be a win-win? Why would any aspiring singer not want to be attached to this franchise? It would be huge exposure for the rest of the people who live under rocks and don't know Adam (if you can imagine that).


Anonymous said...

It'll DEF get his album sales up if he makes the cut.

Anonymous said...

I always wondered what happened to that song. Hope we hear it June 8th.

Anonymous said...

i think its stupid and very torturous to all of us that there's still no word on when they are going to release this song!!!