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Adam Lambert in England

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Adam’s world conquest continues! This video takes us to London where Adam greets fans, sees what England has to offer, and shows us his amazing English accent. Check it out below!


Anonymous said...

amazing, adam speaks british accent!

Anonymous said...

Awesome vid!

Anonymous said...

love it.......

Anonymous said...

cor blimey Adam,you are so talented,you now speak our UK tongue,
Adam thankyou for coming to the UK to showoff your wares,
the hotest Man to EVER walk this PLanet
so love Adam xxxxxxxxx
UK Lambrit xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

hahaha....ooohhhh ....he is SO CUTE with the british accents !! Muuuah ! Love you ADAM

Anonymous said...

Adam you are such a happy adorable lovable cute beautiful stunning gorgeous man and you make us all so HAPPY,THANKYOU xxxxxxxxxxxx uk glambrit