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Adam Lambert in LAX leaving for London!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 22, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 22, 2010

I advise you to not watch this video while listening to the comments made by the recorder. He was immature and rude. So turn your volumes off.

But Adam looks amazing as usual.


Anonymous said...

WHAT A PAIR OF DICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i am so glad that Adam didn't turn his Beautiful head round so those PRICKS could'nt get a Picture,what DICKHEADS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam so thrilled you are finally heading to the UK,
WE are all waiting for you,
Love and Light from ALL Glambrits and Lambrits xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People are just used to seeing him with makeup so he looks different. It is just like someone who generally wears glasses or a model without makeup. They look different. Models without makeup don't look as great because you see whatever flaws they might have -- we all have them. But, they have great eyes or bone structure, just like Adam, which is why he is so photogenic. I've seen him without his makeup and he looks fine. These guys are just jealous!!

Anonymous said... I couldn't help myself and I listened to this "photographer" and I must admit I lost my cool. How cruel and unfeeling people can be toward their fellow man. This person has evidently never had to deal with the curse of acne and the pain that it gives to the one who suffers from it. Adam has a very light, delicate red haired complextion and because of that, acne is even more devastating. Because of his fair skin he can't use some of the drugs and procedures that are available because they would be too harsh on his system and skin and would cause even more problems. For someone to make such rude and unfeeling comments about someone is a SAD statement for people today. Can't wait to take someone that has accomplished so much in such a short time and try to cut them down with nasty words. He deserves a right to let his face breathe from the makeup base that he has worn since high school to cover his ton of freckles on his face (which I happen to think are handsome) and to help cover his acne that has bothered him since early teen years. I daily treat patients with skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, excema, etc. and if you dealt with any of these people on a one on one basis, you would know just how these people struggle each and every day because of judgemental and nasty people such as this photographer. Take a good look at yourself Sir.....I am sure you are't a perfect speciman either........hopefully no one ever treats you like this when it comes to things you can't control in your life. Does it really make you feel better to say cruel and nasty things about others?? Gosh....what an upstanding human being. I feel so sorry that you are such a miserable soul, and advise you to listen to some of Adam's music and enjoy his immense talents. His songs are bound to make you feel happier. Wishing you happiness......and asking you for tolerace, understanding, and the old saying of walk a mile in my shoes before you throw nasty comments out to anyone again. Thanks

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ADAM LOOKS AMAZING WITH OR WITHOUT MAKE UP!!!! I actually prefer him without make up in normal days. But during the performance, I want him to glam it up as much as possible!!!


Anonymous said...

i love him without make-up too. he's gorgeous. (i do love the glam for performances). those guys are just sad, old nobodies - hanging around an airport and filiming someone they arent even a fan of?! not very cool.

Anonymous said...

losers. love adam with or without makeup. say they didn't recognize him. that's the point! see i'm one of those fans that loves him without make-up or clothes. ha ha

Anonymous said...

ADAM looks amazing with or without makeup. These paparazzis are just JEALOUS wtih ADAM!!! of course no one in this earth would not look better with make up. I saw him without makeup before. He still looked adorable! These guys are JEALOUS , real JEALOUS. I bet ADAM without make up would even LOOK BETTER THAN THESE IDIOTS !! but thnks for the video. No thanks for the insensitive jealous comments !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Photographer(s)..whoever you are, look in the mirror and you'll see a reflection of an ugliness composed of mean spirited jealousy and bitterness. Who are YOU and how can YOU live with yourself? May YOU be the recipient of the evilness you spew.

Anonymous said...

Not a video that really needed to be posted. We're all anxious for Adam news, but I'm not convinced this qualifies. I'm sure Adam knew he was being filmed. That he doesn't turn around speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

Im so happy that he is on his way to Europe to promote his CD! Look forward to watch more interviews! Adam is so beautiful and charismatic. His beauty is much more than make-up or no make-up. I think some men are jealous...

Anonymous said...

thank you 10:14 for your compassionate and knowledgeable comments. i didn't want to listen to the sound...

these people may want to learn about karma really fast or it will "learn them"!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the heads up on the rude comments. I muted the volume before I watched the video. I don't know but it literally hurts my heart when I hear or read rude comments about Adam. I feel so protective of him.

Anonymous said...

adam is very handsoem with out make-up i saw him with out make; women models thyre not so great with out thier make-up either.rude paparazzi as a human being; what a bastard-middling eoples looks.i dont look very good with out my litle powder on my face.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what time Adam will be here in London? I want to see him at the airport.

Anonymous said...

Cear-up the skin; clean it very well;use ponds cleansing cream then after that wipes the face
very well; use wipes(biore brand from walmart; drink lots of water; less oily food- chicken and fish diet plus lots of steam veggies -good for the skin and less alcohol- coffee;
lots of vit. c-good for the skin.if there is zits?pimple put a little bet of cortesone.
good lseep too. lack of sleep?its worsen the acne.adam hope u read this.

Medic34 said...

Really wish you wouldn't have posted this.
In fact you've posted a couple things that would've been better off left wherever you found them.

Anonymous said...

all celebs look bad without makeup

Anonymous said...

It is truly what's on the inside, not the outside, that makes you beautiful. Adam is beautiful. What toal creeps to even film this and make those comments.

One question. I have a couple of friends who have received laser treatments for acne scares. While they are not perfect, it is a tremendous improvement. Since the skin issues bother Adam, is this something he can do when--if ever--he has a few weeks of down time? Scars don't bother me in the slightest, but I just wondered since Adam is also so selfconscious.

It looks somehow sad and lonely to see Adam get on this flight. We always see him surrounded by fans and fun, but even though I hate the comments on this video, the clip did capture the isolation and loneliness that can be part of fame. Yes, I know he has his assistant with him, but it still made me a little sad.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looks great without make up. That photographer is such a jerk. Why was he stalking Adam in the first place? If he knows that he's going to post the video up on YouTube. He should know that only Adam fans will watch it. Why would he want to insult him ? He's not professional and no one will hire him.


Anonymous said...

@Medic34 - I agree with you wholeheartedly! what's the point of posting this? Is it news? It's intrusive and insulting, and no one benefits from seeing or listening to this. I'm sure Adam knew that he was being taped and he didn't even turn around. That says it all, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

we've seen pictures of Adam in every shape and form and he's a good looking guy - period. he actually looks better sometimes without makeup. these guys just being jealous and mean, that's all.

Anonymous said...

But isn't that just the nature of the paparazzi. Are there any nice ones anyway.

Anonymous said...

they were a bunch of fat old farts...who gives a shit what they think ?

Anonymous said...

And they prefer men with makeup..

Anonymous said...

hat,sunglasses, and no make-up, well that tells me he wanted to travel in comfort and not be reconized so easily and get to his destination without a bunch of fuss as we just seen in the video, damn the man was trying to catch a plane, whats so great about it? people do it everyday, lol, whatever!

Anonymous said...

great points 12:22 & 12:36.... hey everyone stop getting so upset over stuff like this, put you time into voting for Adam on the 2010 time 100 poll, only a few faithful fans are trying real hard to keep Adam at #6, he was 5 a few days ago but everyone just stopped voting for him. Lady Gaga voter's are voting like crazy....
please help vote!! help get the word out there!

Anonymous said...

Adam was facing a gruelling day of travel - I know I wouldn't wear make-up when I'm planning on sleeping as much as possible! These guys were insensitive, but unfortunately I've read and heard alot worse. On the other hand, I enjoyed watching Adam go through the same process we all go through on travel day. He's such a sweetheart - he's as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside (with or without makeup!). Safe travels to you, Adam :)

Anonymous said...

Karma will take care of these photographers..

Adam is a gorgeous human being both inside and outside. You my dear papaRATzi are ugly and mean spirited...KARMA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Come to add .. why put this up.. it's totally gratuitous.. Please take down ,Adam at airport, those ugly comments from Photographers, are are not worth our time .

Anonymous said...

The idiots recording the video kept saying he looked terrible without make up but they never saw his face. He never turned around. Goofy!!!
Adam is gorgeous no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Grade school bullies - some clods never make the jump to adulthood. Thank you for the warning to not listen. I could just enjoy the much anticipated news that Adam is on his way to what he loves to do for those who would fly to the moon to get to see him do it!! Love and Safe Travel - always!!

Anonymous said...

he looks good without make-up !!! they are ass holes!!!

coloforadam said...

Oh, screw them!! It's that woman, Lane that bugs me - She is SO unbelievably the most fortunate person on the planet Earth at this moment. Can you imagine, your boss comes to you and says - "I want you to spend a year, day and night, with the most gorgeous, sweet, loveable, hot, talented guy in the world .... We will pay you well but you can't KEEP him. Well, maybe not so lucky! HOW does she keep her heart from falling out on the floor? She needs to write us a book when this year of over!! LOL, Lane!!

Anonymous said...

"She needs to write us a book when this year of over!! LOL, Lane!!"

Good suggestion! LOL.

I agree with you. I am so incredibly jealous of Lane. I would DIE to work for Adam even if the pay is 10,000 a year.

Anonymous said...

Totally disagree!
Adam looks amazing with or without make up! <3

Anonymous said...

I think once Lane's year with Adam is up she's gong to REHAB..her life will never be the same, but at the moment she's the LUCKIEST women alive!
her photo album will be to die for!!
she is so madly in LOve with Adam as much as we are!!!

Anonymous said...

we have seen adam without make up before when he auditioned at AI, he was perfectly alright. also, when he was at sydney cd signing, he had a very slight make up on no guy liner but still looked handsome, so what are they talking about. these two guys are both mean spirited people.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks wonderful without makeup. In fact, sometimes I prefer it. But now we're kind of used to seeing him with makeup, so going without looks different, that's all. Besides he was going to be flying for hours - what would you want him to look like? The papps are stupid. First of all, he had on a hat and huge sunglasses, and never even turned around. What could they even see?

Anonymous said...

just my opinion....don't think these guys were paparazzi. One guy says to the other "see him that's adam lambert." If they were paps, the other guy would have known who they were looking for or at and all that needed to be said was "that's Adam." Also, they were too far into security to be anything but travelers waiting to be checked through. A couple of idiots happy to have somehing to post on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

thumbs down for this video, take it off!

Anonymous said...

The papps always try to start some controversy, just to get publicity for the the photos they're trying to sell. They're bottom feeders without credibility. They weren't even close enough to get a look,never mind that he had on a hat and huge glasses.I prefer him with more natural look anyway, although it's fun to see him "glammed up too." funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Think 3:58 had it right.Probably ttavelers.

Anonymous said...

My son has suffered from rosacea all his life .. as a result he never went anywhere or had any friends ... he even shied away from his own family .. always wearing these ugly angry red splotches through no fault of his own. Really led a very lonely life .. but when he was forced to face the world he met a wonderful girl .. not of our race but that didn't matter to me because she loves him with all of her heart & has given our family a very lovely beautiful boy to love. My son still has the same thing but now he has his own family who don't see him as anything other than BEAUTIFUL because they .. like me .. are looking through the EYES OF LOVE just like all of us who LOVE ADAM do. Sometimes the beauty that comes from WITHIN them is what BLINDS us to any superficial flaws on the outside ... I THINK IT DOES! .. tess

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Those guys are jeolous, for sure. You could tell.

Anonymous said...

..agree with above...kinda (very) rude with the "commentary" you have taken off other things we (loyal) fans of this site didn't like

Anonymous said...

are there any pics or news from london? I haven't seen anything posted anywhere but a huge schedule for today with interviews, we need adam news!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just a case of two more jealous men. Adam is very handsome with, or without makeup. He dosen't need to wear it to be gorgeous. He wears it because it is part of that glam image for performing. I met him after a concert once. He had very little make up on because it was a very hot, sticky night. He was the most handsome man I had ever seen. His smile and big beautiful blue eyes lit up the whole room. Jealousy is an ugly thing. It makes those who are jealous become hideous. ~Anastasia~

Anonymous said...

i bet they were photographers from TMZ. they are well known standing by the airports especially when they know someone well known is travelling but because of the tight security they couldn't even get near adam.

Anonymous said...


Posting this video only supports the mean spirited.

If this site is to support and honor our Adam, then PLEASE remove this video.

Anonymous said...

lol guys it was on purpose to get shit started. clearly it wasn;t hard. who cares? they're losers, we know that and they know that, they're the ones stalking a celeb.

calm down :/
its embarrassing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Actually that's a violation to record in a security area.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed watching Adam. I just tuned those 2 knuckleheads out.