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Adam Lambert Interview with Mybliss!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Anonymous said...

Well, he just could not be any more down to earth, could he? What a sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

this was hilarious! I'd have Lambert fart in my company anyday, or kiss... or sing...
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

You just made my day Adam. On top of the beautiful voice you could also do comedy. I love the fact that you can laugh at yourself. Not many of the so called popular singers today could do the same thing. They are so full of their self importance. Not our Adam, very down to earth guy. That's why people are so crazy about you.

Anonymous said...

please help make his day!!!!!!! vote at the 2010 Time 100 poll........Adams 6th with Susan boyle 7th....her fans voted 2,000 votes in 2 hours a few faithful fans placed 200 for adam....would be sooooooo sad if her fans bump Adam.........please please help's over tomorrow...and i will not have to post any more about this.......been doing it for weeks.......
for Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought the TIME poll had ended a week ago? Guess I better start voting agian.

Anonymous said...

ah this is the cutest! love him.

Anonymous said...

HA, HA, HA! What great insight into how Adam's mind works! Thank you SO much for taking a different approach (humor!) with your interview, Bliss!! I absolutely loved this. My very fave Adam interview - EVER! Love all his expressions. You can see his stage experience coming through. What a ham. And he just goes along with everything. Love this man.

Anonymous said...

Great interview! Adam is intelligent, articulate, charming, and has a sense of humor. Extremely happy that things are going so well for him now. Yes, he always does "give good face." And I think we are going to see his face around for a long, long time.

jordan!! said...

HAHAHA! i loved it! that was 2 funny lol "its just a fart!" hahahaha!!!! he is so down 2 the earth i cant even belive it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for was great. The interviewer was refreshing and sounded very relaxed as was Adam. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

GAH, I love him! How adorable was that interview?! I giggled with delight all the way through.

melissa toronto said...

Oh my god1! This is hilarious!! I almost pee myself from laughing. What a refeshing interview. Thanks Mybliss. I wish there are more people like him open, honest & easy going. He be such a freind to have. Loving Adam, what a treasure.

Anonymous said...

Great interview. Funny, funny, funny. And Adam I love your part. Goes well with your good face. you're always changing it up for us. Good on ya

Anonymous said...

we are seeing the funny side of adam! love it.

fans, we should secure adam for no. 6 spot at time poll. susan boyle is aiming to outdo adam for no. 6 position.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Adam is so Funny,A Beautiful Charming Man,
Good Ole UK for more FUN interviews,thanks mybliss

Anonymous said...

Adam you are so talented,your laughter and humour is such fun,keep up the good work you are the sunshine in this dull drab world
love you xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

That was so funny....Adam is great!! I've been voting in the Time poll.

Anonymous said...

hi everyone i have been voting in time poll for so many hours,i live in the UK and its now 5.15am and i really should go to bed !!! the things we do for the Most beautiful Person that EVER walked this Planet and its worth every minute, goodnight everyone sweet dreams of Adam (again)
UK GLambrit (yawn)

Anonymous said...

OMG, the best interview! I was laughing so hard I had tears rolling down and then I! LOL ;)


Anonymous said...

What a fun interview! Loved it!!