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Adam Lambert Interview with Rapid Fire

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 30, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 30, 2010

Credit: Adamholic


Anonymous said...

I was waiting for Adam to say he'd only ever punched someone on stage, for a performance...didn't expect that he'd actually really punched someone! Wow - I can't even imagine him in a fight. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Adam said he did hit a kid for calling him a
faggot, when he was in high school.

Anonymous said...

adam is so mild manners, can't imagine him punching someone.

Anonymous said...

OK, if someone called him a faggot, they deserved to get clocked, then. Jeez, why spew hate, people?

Anonymous said...

after adam's pre ama "out" magazine mess/betrayal and the twitter war with that editor that ensued, i could see adam stands up for himself with great admirable strength and dignity. he was clearly angered to be pushed/manipulated towards someone else's agenda.

bullying and discrimination are not at all acceptable, ever. defending oneself is ok. so agree with 9:58 on this one.

as a child i stood up to people who bullied a helpless learning disabled friend and feel proud of it. there are times when these actions are necessary and correct. clearly adam is not violent but he doesn't take s... offa people either! as it should be!
