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Adam Lambert Myspace Live Chat!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 23, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 23, 2010

Here's the video for those who missed it!

Here's the link directly to the website to watch the video:

Screencaps by Hand

Youtube Version


Anonymous said...

Can't view the video... pls post it again in other format. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

very handsome adam lambert he look like elvis presley son-hahaha

MiMi said...

Great interview! The guy asking the questions was very nice. And Adam as always was joyous and adorable.

Anonymous said...

love adam lambert-like everything about him.he s such a good conversationalist.very intelligent human being.

Anonymous said...

NOW THAT !!! ,was a great interview. Great questions. We really got to know Adam better.

Anonymous said...

good interview. Adam looked good. What was up with the interviewer? He kept touching his nose. Yuck !!!!

Anonymous said...

I loved this interview.. The fans came with really original questions.. And i think Adam would fall in love if he met the guy from Tokio Hotel cause he seems Adam's type.. Bill definetly have that look thing Adam was talking about

Anonymous said...

Bill isn't gay.

Anonymous said...

hey guys there is a blog JUNEA AND XENA SALON talking about the comment of AI producer re adam struggling a bit to be a big star, you may want to check out. oh and please check allegra houston article WHAT IS IT ABOUT ADAM LAMBERT on

Anonymous said...

I agree with the posters about this interview. However, did anyone else find it kind of odd that the interviewer was wearing a cowboy shirt with his emo hair? He's obviously a very tall man judging by his broad shoulders and I find that in many of Adam's interviews, if he's sitting on a couch next to someone, he sits "short." Look for it next time. I wish he wouldn't slouch sitting because he has great posture when standing. Just saying......

Anonymous said...

That was a GREAT interview. Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

So nice to have fresh interview... people in the US are so superficial at times... I hope they can learn from the international interviews. Great fan question!

Anonymous said...

Adam is always so quick and well spoken. That other guy is huge. Not many people make Adam look like a small man.

Anonymous said...

Agreee w/all above - I found myself wondering how big the interviewer guy was to make Adam appear so small, 'cause he always looks larger than life! I also found myself with a big smile, unconsiously pasted on my face because Adam is so charming that you can't help but smile along with him!

Yes - these were GREAT questions! They did delve into parts of Adam's life (or brain) that we hadn't heard much about before, and it seems like we've heard just about everything - so, well done, Lambrits! Very fresh.

And Adam's eye make up was beautiful! Very smokey but soft. Nice highlighter usage under the brow. Very flattering. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I wondered about the nose thing?
Adam was eager for those questions which arrived
well but slowly! Thank God for the zest and enthuasium of Mr Adam Lambert! How professional and in your face he is! Love him!