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Adam Lambert on Access Hollywood!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Anonymous said...

obama keep promising-he knows how to fool people look at what happen destroy this country the way he handle this country is terrible he ditn do anyhting much for gay people hes racist himself no wonder majority gay peopel dont support obama pls dont be fooled by obama again this is a physich comment- im glad i dint vote for him.. this coming election i dont waste my tile to vote for him -im democrat.wake up poeple;
equal opportunity-marraige as well.

Anonymous said...

Damn he can talk fast when he knows that he needs to! Very eloquent!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very eloquent & RIGHT on! ADAM is waking people up in his own way to things that should be addressed ... NO ONE should have to be CLOSETED anymore ... that's why we refer to America as the LAND of the FREE ... don't just say it... LIVE IT!!! IMO

Anonymous said...

That's right. I am not gay but I strongly believe, and live by it, that all ppl should be treated the SAME!!!!!
Adam is making us listen to music again and a lot MORE ! He is the real voice. Listen to him, he is young and vey smart! I adore him.
Everyone that is affected by Adams music is a different person now! I know he made me the way I am thinking about life. Adam is in my everyday life.
It's amazing to me that such a young man has such a HUGE influence on so many ppl all over the WORLD. Adam is pfenomenon !
I love having Adam lambert in my world!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:35-- Do you want Sarah Palin or Glen Beck as your heros. Sarah thinks homosexuality is a choice and Glen Beck...He**, I don't know what that man thinks! PLEASE, let's not turn this forum into a political venue. Whether you like President Obama or not, he has done more for the GLBT community than any previous president. PLEASE, do not bash our president. Vote as you wish, but this site is not for political campaigns. And PLEASE, try to check your grammar and spelling just a little. Perfection is not expected, but it would be nice to present ourselves using appropriate and proper language.

On second thought, maybe Adam is Perfection. Beautiful man with beautiful thoughts and the ability to present himself beautifully.

Anonymous said...

I'm on the fence about Obama......I don't know whether I'll vote for him in 2012. But he's better than McCain/Palin for sure. But he's underperforming on the gay issues.

Anonymous said...

eloquent speaker, that's what adam lambert is!

Anonymous said...

I am always so impressed by Adam - he is so eloquent. He approach to his life has probably done more for gay rights than the hostile or complainers . He teaches tolerance to differences by example. When you live honestly as he does it diffuses the "notion" that being different is secretly sinful.

I hope this site is not used as a soapbox for opinions on any politician . The desire for equality should be a human aspiration not political.