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Adam Lambert on CNN's Larry King Live

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, April 19, 2010

Posted at : Monday, April 19, 2010

The American Idol judges and Ryan discuss Adam Lambert as a mentor


Anonymous said...

Ryan: He's one of the best mentores actually, he's fantastic
Randy: He's really good, really good
Kara: He was GREAT

That's what i wanted to hear guys

Anonymous said...

Larry King was little confused or didn't do his homework on this one. Kind of weird little segment. But still, it was nice for Adam to be mentioned and given the visibility.

Anonymous said...

It would of been nice if Simon could of complimented Adam. What's his problem? He can't stand it when the attention is drawn away from himself...he's such a baby!

Anonymous said...

i think simon agreed in what they were saying about adam or maybe he did not have the chance to comment.

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Larry King meant "mentored" instead of "mentioned" when he said "Adam performed xxx and mentioned some of the contestants xxx"!?! He got it right though after the break.

Anonymous said...

Wow Adam looks so young,so tall and so thin.. He's Talented beyond belief!

Love him , my friends and family always ask me how Adam is doing,like he's part of our family.

Anonymous said...

It's GREAT to have Adam being mentioned on Larry King Live.
I agree that Simon didn't care. But yet again, I don't care about the Simon Cuz he is VERY arrogant person.
Larry cares, or else he wouldn't talk about Adam.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does anyone out there wish Adam would stop wearing his hair way up high? I think it makes him look older, and not his gorgeous self. I love his look he had singing on "Ellen" and "Jay Leno". He looked sooo gooood! He took my breath away.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not one dimention, the same all the time. He like to change it up and give us all a surprise. That is something that I really enjoy about him. So, I don't want to see him with the same hairstyle all of the time. Keep changing it up Adam. We never know what to expect with him. So much fun being an Adam fan

Anonymous said...

hey everyone please help out and vote for Adam at the time 100 poll.........why did everyone stop...the voting is over for the winner but not the rest,everyone else is getting votes like crazy but not Adam, it's not over till next week.........just a hand full of fans are trying to keep Adam at # 6!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah i like his hair more when he was on there another segment to this clip??

Anonymous said...

I agree with 10:03...I don't really care for his hair up. When he has it down and shaggy he seems more like a real person and his eyes are prettier. I like the feeling, feel you touching me aspect, closeness when he's not so outhere....

Anonymous said...

It was ELVIS week ... that's the way ELVIS wore his hair in the beginning ... ADAM was even dressed the way ELVIS used to dress & since he did get his hair cut some .. gotta wait for it to grow back.

PLEASE ADAM FANS ... keep VOTING on Time poll ... we're holding him at #6 but he could do better........... ALSO ... VOTE for ADAM at: ... ADAM has LESS than 1000 VOTES ... he's #64 on the list on the THIRD PAGE!!! RIDICULOUS!!! PLEASE VOTE every 20 min. or as often as you can .... GET HIM ON PAGE#1 @ #1 WHERE HE BELONGS!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam, but I do have a life. If I keep voting in every poll he's mentioned on, I won't get anything done. I've got three kids and a husband that need my attention, too. Not to leave out a house and a garden, etc.

Anonymous said...

I also think Adam is more attractive with his hair down,more approachable and it frames and enhances that beautiful face.The pompadour was fun for Elvis week and I loved the blue streak,and we know how he loves to dress up,"but sometimes the black,sooty raccoon eyes detract from his magnificent eyes and is a little much.The guyliner and pale pink lip gloss looks great and is all he needs in my humble non-expert opinion.Just my personal preference.He's beautiful!!!!!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

moderator... do you know which poll is most important? i'm guessing time magazine 100 most influential people, but please let us know if you know.

vh1 keeps him on tv and visible. obviously there are loads of polls but we need some direction...

thank you!! great website!!

Anonymous said...

agree with is so much fun being a fan of adam! he's such a good vibe and we all feel it!! thank you adam for all the greatness you have brought us!


Anonymous said...

YES!!! STOP CUTTING THE HAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

please vote for adam time poll 100 most influential people....this is a big deal peeps!