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Adam Lambert performing STRUT at G-A-Y!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, April 24, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, April 24, 2010


Anonymous said...

can't hear adam singing, video is noisy!

Anonymous said...

Hoping there will be some videos with better sound quality in the near future - but as far as eye candy, DAMN he looks good!!! Very sleek and sexxxxxxy - YOW!!

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for a HQ version of this perf.....

I wish I was there! sounded wild!

Anonymous said...

I don't like dancers on stage with him. Adam seems aware of them. It makes the song seems more pop than rock with the dancers and less interesting. More is too noisy visually. Adam is enough.

melissa toronto said...

Adam is Amazing on stage as usual, but I don't really like the dancers. I know some of the dancers are his friends. No disrespect, but they don't seem professional to me. Adam is such a perfectionist performer, he needs A List dancers to match him.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the posters about the dancers. They don't seem professional or glam. It pulls Adam down to just an unprofessional act. Not good.

Anonymous said...

I unfortunately agree with you guys about the dancers. He has said before that some of them are his friends so he probably wants to help them out an work with them but they don't seem very professional. But it is his decision what he wants to do.I concentrate on him anyway:)

Anonymous said...

I actually like what the dancers add... but it's funny, cuz I saw many tweets last night that said they couldn't take their eyes off of Lambert for one second anyway... so I don't know how much any dancers around Adam Lambert will ever get truly appreciated :). I can say that I would certainly be the same way during a LIVE PERFORMANCE - I would divert my eyes from Lambert, I couldn't if I wanted to, for one second... but watching stuff after the fact, via media forms, I like the dancers.

wakethedead said...

I really like the dancers and they are interesting to look at. Adam really chose them because they don't JUST dance they bring a little more visually.c'mon guys SUPPORT!. Adam WANTS dancers and lasers and fire etc. BRING IT BABY! luv Adam I really do.......

Anonymous said...

The dancers just dont get any better. High school cheerleaders are more together. The big guy and big girl are awful. Need to smile like they are having fun. I thought they were going to have on better costumes. I wish they would get rid of those awful pantyhose. I don't know which ones are Adam's friends but sometimes there is a reason why they might not be working elsewhere. They are not up to Adam's standards. Adam needs to look at these preformaces.He is a better dancer than they are. He has a professinal looking and sounding band that these dancers make look bad. If this is what the budget allows why not wait til there is a budget for pro dancers. Thanks for listening to my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Dancers .. no dancers .. who cares. I'm like Paula .. my eyes are TRANSFIXED on ADAM ... don't even see the band .. JUST ADAM!! WOW!! Just wish the sound would have picked up the VOCALS better!!

Anonymous said...

What ADAM wants ADAM will have and if it be dancers then that's great! I sometime think when we all pick at this and that, we do not realize who we are actually talking about here! Adam is
so darn professional in everything he does! It's time to have some faith in Adam because he is so in control and truly brilliant!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the fact that sometimes, as fans, people have a tendency to pick everything and everyone apart. Is it possible to just enjoy the performance that Adam is giving?

Anonymous said...

What dancers?

Anonymous said...

please vote for Adam at the 2010 Time 100 poll, the voting ends this week, the top 5 have huge numbers, lets do this together and bring up his #'s....thanks to all the faithful fans....
please help to get this out there......the last week to vote.......thank you!!!