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EF Interview with Adam Lambert - Part 1

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 24, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, April 24, 2010

"EF Editor Pip caught up with former American Idol contestant Adam Lambert shortly after he arrived in the UK. He talked about his new single 'For Your Entertainment', his forthcoming album and his experience of going back on American Idol recently."


Anonymous said...

My God! He is so wonderfully perfect!How many times have we all said,"I could listen to him talk all day!"

Please keep voting for Adam on the VH1 countdown. He was #6 today...Let's get BB back on top!!!

Anonymous said...

Such intelligent responses and I agree with his point of view. FAB!

Anonymous said...

Great interview! As always, Adam is intelligent, articulate, and charming. His album does take us on a journey and it is a marvelous special. There is no one like Adam Lambert out there in the music world today and he "makes me want to listen to music again". Good luck on the sparkly, glitzy glam nation tour.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful room to do his interview in. I wonder if someone color coordinated this. Of course he looks amazing no matter what room he's in.

Anonymous said...

Our Adam witha pompador and a part. Always switching it up for us. Love and light.

Anonymous said...

I want Adam to keep mixing it up musically. I agree that it would be boring to hear the same type of song all the time. He's capable of doing so many different things with his voice, the range and the colors, I want to hear it all!!

Anonymous said...

Keep us guessing ,we love it. Good luck and have fun in Europe.
Luv Ya

Anonymous said...

Just the one song WWFM ... ADAM did it in so many different ways that each one was a surprise & a pleasure. I hope ADAM continues to record all his albums the same way in the future ... Who needs a particular sound when you can have the GLAMBERT sound ... ADAM's OWN STYLE!! No one can DUPLICATE it & it NEVER gets BORING!!