Payback for Gene Simmons
Filed Under (album news,random ) by Admin on Monday, April 12, 2010
Posted at : Monday, April 12, 2010

Lambert's For Your Entertainment album has achieved Platinum status here in Canada, selling 80,000 copies in only 6 months. To put that into perspective, rockers KISS haven't had a Canadian platinum release since 1989, including their latest CD Sonic Boom, which has still yet to achieve Gold.
Credit: dolphins3000
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Did you guys see the tweet from Gene's signifcant other Shannon Tweed yesterday? I happened to be on internet exactly when it came out - that's called "payback's a bitch" I think. Report on it here on this website - it's an interesting little tidbit!!
^^^^ What did Gene's wife say about Adam?
Yeah Take That Ugly Fat Simmons!!!!!
Gene Simmons is a has been. He is so full of himself. He can't stand the heat and Adam is hot, hot, hot. ADAM ROCKS. ADAM RULES!!
LOL I'm laughing so hard right now.
Does anyone have the quote of Genne said to Adam? Didn't he call Adam a loser?
Gene Simmon is not really a good man-not grateful plus a jealous type.gene simmons dont understimate adam lambert-my prefectionist adma lambert a good man.
id never thought that adam mitchel lambert such a good non-pretentious human being my rock god rocker-american idol an international super star-known now all over the world.adam lmabert born famous -born a leader also intelligent and good.
he could be a usa president soemday-his attittude toward the people is good-enough to be a usa president.
IIRc, GS siad Adam should not have said anything about his sexuality... keep em guessing or something. adam retorted that GS has spent decades talking about how many chic's he's been with so what's the diff? Not sure what ST said tho?
im confused! what exactly did gene say about adam?! i know a while ago he made some comments but why is it being brought up now?
Gene said that Adam never should have come out in Rolling Stone about his sexuality.
Gene said that Adam had trashed his own career by coming out. Whatever. Adam's response to him was right on. I'm still laughing at the comment about Adam being president. Please. Let's keep it real, okay?
Gene also said that Adam did not have the type of voice for rock and roll, and that he killed his career by coming out. He said that Adam should have kept quiet about it. I never did like ugly old Gene!
what did his wife say?
What did St SAY?? btw-- not his wife even tho they ahve been together since the early 80s
if you can vote a cowboy a puppet and a womaniser in as a president- why not a humanist with a heart of gold like Adam ?
did you know that Americans have a hand in supporting the death penalty for Gays in Uganda?
oh geez folks - I'm the one who posted the first comment about Shannon Tweed's Tweet (say that ten times fast :)!). Okay, so I'm rushing right now and don't have time to elaborate, and I'm not particularly savvy w/ the technology or I would find the tweets and post them - but quickly, Shannon Tweed had tweeted a time or two about that show she and Gene Simmons and thier kids have - I think it is called Family Jewels or something like that. I guess maybe it has a new season coming out - can't remember the channel either. Anyway, someone, a fan of Adam's, tweeted to Shannon something like - Gene needs to apologize to Adam before they would even consider watching their show - and Shannon tweeted back something very brief and simple like - Gene is actually a fan of Adams, and I like Adam too. I'm totally going off my memory here people - completely paraphrasing and probably getting it wrong - but Shannon Tweed's tweet back was very brief like that...but still, I thought it was a riot that she responded. The original person who tweeted responded AGAIN saying something that totally didn't let Gene off the hook - was so funny - something like - yah, well, Gene said ugly things about Adam Lambert etc etc. You guys out there with a lot of technical prowess and know-how can find this stuff - have at it and post it here. Wasn't a big deal, just thought it was interesting and humorous... and actually, it will give that damn reality show of Simmons' & Tweeds' more advertising than it could get on 3 entertaiment channels combined - which is probably why Shannon Tweed responded to this fan in the first place!
GS said something to the efect that Adam killed his career before it stated by outing himself. How wrong he was.
Luv Ya Adam
Last year, shortly after Idol ended, Gene Simmons said Adam should "Shut up about his sexuality" (which by the way, was the exact end point of my being a fan of Gene Simmons. What a hypocritical pig for him to say that!) He said this during an on air interview that I watched online. It happened soon after the KISS appearance on Idol. Adam heard about this and responded that he thought it was hypocritical of Gene to say, since Gene himself is always talking publicly about his own sex life. I checked @ShannonLeeTweed's twitter.. on Sunday she responded to an Adam fan who tweeted her that Gene should apologize to Adam. The response from Shannon was that she does not tell Gene what to say, and she defended him by saying that he is not anti-gay. (Which of course is a load of crap, obviously) That was all I could find on Shannon Tweed's Twitter about this. I agree with this Adam fan, Gene does owe an apology. In fact, I think he also owes Adam a THANK YOU.. for resurrecting KISS from nearly dead by performing with them on American Idol!
LOL I remember when I saw it was headline news on Yahoo's main page last year and I was so mad at Gene for talking sh** about Adam.
Now Adam has outsold him in Canada! Way to go Adam! If Gene ever apologizes, Adam should accept his apology though because Gene's his senior afterall and Adam has class. He will not hate anyone for a long period of time since Adam believes in the universe.
Also, Gene Simmons said,
“Mostly he should shut up about his sexual preferences. We, America, the rest of the world, really don’t care,” Simmons said. “I mean, if the story becomes ‘I prefer farm animals to,’ you know, who cares?”
He also said something else obnoxious when asked what it was like to sing with Adam, he responded
“How was it for him to perform with us, you mean? That’s right, I see. Well, you just have to realize who the governor is and who the little puppy is.”
Gene DEFINITELY owes Adam an apology.
I think he's just plain jealous that Adam stole the show.
Adam said that before they went on stage, Gene tried to get Adam to not wear his own platform boots. It was as if Gene wanted to be much taller than Adam.
Adam's masculine without all the egotistical macho He's not rock, he's Queen, "he'd be great on Broadway" JEALOUSY bullhickey that is obvious as day. Queen was a much better rock band than KISS and Freddie, like Adam could SING!
He also said something else obnoxious when asked what it was like to sing with Adam, he responded
“How was it for him to perform with us, you mean? That’s right, I see. Well, you just have to realize who the governor is and who the little puppy is.”
WTFFFFF!!! Hes so bitter!!!
So I went looking for it and I found the vid of Simmons' interview from last summer. It still upsets me and yes he should apologize! This makes me want to put the pathetic loser's lights out! I especially hate his arrogance when he thinks he speaks on behalf of "America and the rest of the world".
What makes it so rude is that Adam expressed nothing but awe in getting to perform with them, praising their courage and style and stardom. Another thing that may have ticked Gene off was that Rolling Stone interview said that Adam outsang them on the Idol stage. But, Adam never said that, never intimated that, was nothing but humble and appreciative. Now, he is snarking a bit at Gene but can't blame him after Gene just kept it going (I believe, just to get attention).
Gene was expressing his opinion, whether any of us agree with him or not. He has that right. Why should he apologize for what he thinks. He'll discover down the line that he was wrong. It probably already has become apparent to him. You're allowed to have varying opinions in this country, and that includes when you're wrong as well as when you're right. An opinion is just an opinion, and there are plenty of them on this site, including mine.
This is from Sean Patrick's blog which has the audio of the radio interview. I think what Gene Simmons said was very offensive.
I understand where Gene would say that how was of Adam to sing with us? I mean we all love Adam but back then Adam was not yet the star he is today. Gene has been a peformer even before Adam was born. I guess Gene just took that question the wrong way. He felt he was the star and not Adam, which in some ways is true. Gene paid his dues and now it is Adam's turn. The only thing I have against what Gene said was how he said it. His tone was rude.
People - here is the exchange between this "@SpiceNY" and Shannon Tweed. I don't have the time to set it up correctly so you'll have to decipher it time line wise. The first set of tweets are Shannon's from last/most recent - to first. And then the tweets below Tweed's are from the fan who originally tweeted Shannon Tweed, and again, those fan tweets are sort of backwards as I have copied them in here more recent backwards. Again, none of this is a big deal - just thought it was funny. And Shannon can defend Gene all she wants - Gene Simmons WAS TOTALLY JEALOUS, jealous like a school boy on the playground, nothing more nothing less. Simmons was jealous of Lambert's crazy innate talent.
@SpiceNY that's fantastic and we hope it stays that way for Adam. I don't tell people what to say.
@SpiceNY gene's not anti gay AT ALL! He's all about timing and marketing. he thot his audience wod be even bigger if timing were different
4:00 PM Apr 11th via web in reply to SpiceNY
@SpiceNY he thot Adam shud have waited til after the career had taken off to talk about it cuz then it would distract fr the talent.
@SpiceNY Gene like Adam very much and thinks he's incredibly talented.I like him too!
3:51 PM Apr 11th via web in reply to
@shannonleetweed You know Adam's fan base isn't huge, its bigger than life, and maybe Gene should think about an apology.
4:00 PM Apr 11th via web in reply to shannonleetweed
@shannonleetweed Gene made awful remarks about Adam ruining his career by coming out, was he WRONG
3:53 PM Apr 11th via web in reply to shannonleetweed
Send a message @Shannonleetweed & tell her we don't give a shit about Gene's show being on tonight
3:51 PM Apr 11th via web
@shannonleetweed Gene owes Adam Lambert an apology before we watch your show
Shannon Tweed's not responsible for what Gene says.He's entitled to his opinion{altho I don't agree with it}without people harrassing and getting ugly with Shannon.I don't think Adam wants any big controversy with Gene and fanning the flames and making a mountain out of a molehill isn't helping Adam.Shannon said she likes Adam. Bashing Gene {her life-partner}will just turn her off from Adam.Lighten up, people.
Hey Glamily
I am Spice NY on twitter so if anyone wants to join me or follow me with my crusade and trend tweeting I would love it.
I am also having a drive to get as many fans as humanly possible on Adam's face book fan page. I use a different name on face book which I would never publish here, but you can all reach me on twitter. Just send me a message so I know who you are. The more of us the better. Gene is on twitter but I wouldn't tweet that ahole, more fun picking on Shannon @shannonweetleed.
love you guys
P.S. Shannon said Gene still thinks Adam coming out so early in his career was a mistake. I told her WRONG!!!!!
I said we are a monstrous size fan base and we unite and conquer.
look for me on twitter @spiceny
P.S.S. Shannon is a dumb bitch who couldn't even get Gene to marry her. Do we care wtf she says?
I TOTALLY agree with 8:23 AM...let's help Adam by voting for Time's Most Influential People...let's be positive and take some action for Adam peeps...also Vh1 top 20 love love
Gene Simmons was a great artist in his time and that should be respected.ADAM LAMBERT is a great artist and be respected.Who cares if he is gay bi or straight.That has nothing to do with that great voice and HOT!HOT!HOT!looks.....
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