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Reminder: Adam Lambert Unplugged on VH1 Tonight!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, April 9, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 09, 2010

To those who have the channel VH1, you can catch Adam's Unplugged concert tonight on VH1 at 11pm Eastern and Pacific, 10pm Central in the U.S.

The listing in TV Guide's Hot List:

The listing in People Magazine:

Scans Credit: verminjerky, Scorpios4Adam


Anonymous said...

What's wierd? Why when they give a good review, they have to put something negative? I hate that. They just don't believe that Adam can be all theses things. I hear jelousy since most of these writers are straight men.
But we DO get Adam. And he is one amazing badass.
Love him.
My Tevo is ready. Will be great to watch Adam on a big screen.

Anonymous said...

they probably would like people/viewers to get curious and see themselves so they will watch. it kind of a gimmick publicity (i think).

Anonymous said...

we get him, we get him!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just hope there is a lot of BUZZ before, during and after this airs !! Tweets!!

Anonymous said...

He is so devine!!! I was so hoping we wouldn't have to endure the stupid starburst commercial again, but there it is.


Anonymous said...

They are gonna show the rest of the spots tomorrow night! I know what I'll be doing at 9:00. What's cool is that he ended on a really high not with Rabbit Hole and he NEVER forgets to thank the band. Very gracious and awesome person.


Anonymous said...

Adam needs your votes people........Han Han is right behind...........PLEASE VOTE!!!! time 100 poll