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Rickey Minor on Adam Lambert's Performance!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Direct from Rickey Minor (American Idol band leader)

"Adam Lambert gave "a performance that's vocally, visually and emotionally stunning."

Credit: las317537



Anonymous said...

Ok kids that's how it's done! That's freaking entertainment=) America just figured out what's been missing from AI this season-Adam Lambert!!!

Anonymous said...

That was a performance that I'll never forget. Adam showed how it's done to the AI contestants.

He performed like a true rock star. Pop icon in the making.

Thank you Ricky for the compliments for our boy.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine the summer tour? I can't wait, it's going to be a killer. Guys, Something AMAZING is waiting for us, Adam style.
This WWFM can only be preform buy a TRUE artist. Did you notice the notes he was hitting! OMFG!!!
This one is EPIC!!!
LOVES it. It takes me back to my High school days and ,boy, it feels good. Thanks Adam for putting so much excitment back in our lives. You are one AMAZINF BADASS and I love you. Keep rocking!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Rickey that sums it up really well

Anonymous said...

If there is anyone in this world who still questions Adam's talent, let them walk quickly and silently away. What a man, What a voice.

Thank you God, for this gift - Adam Lambert.

deus te amat and I do too

Anonymous said...

Wow, that really sums it up.

Anonymous said...

Amen! I totally agree...........unfreakingbelievable!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam my ROCK GOD! I am so in love with this beautiful man!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning performance!

lola said...

adam adam what are you doing to us, you are full of surprises OMG am going to have a heart attack, this is truly amazing, exciting and mesmerizing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ricky!Hope the haters see that another musical expert recognizes and validates Adam's amazing talent. This performance says it all. He is a super rock star!

Anonymous said...

I am totally speechless!!! I will be watching this performance over and over !!!

melissatoronto said...

This IS MIND BLOWING. I am FREAKING OUT!!!!! THANK YOU so much Adam Lambert for this unforgettable performance. Confirm by the expert Mr. Rickey Minor. Adam, you are unbelievable! I am so thankful to be able to enjoy & witness your incredible journey on the way to STARDOM since the day you audition for AI.

Anonymous said...

You rock,Adam!!Love it!

Anonymous said...

THE BEST IDOL EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is in Control on that stage again and blew me away! He just owns that place and makes those poor contestants seem very,very, small in terms of talent,etc.

Anonymous said... so so words..jaw dropping...he blows away every single GUEST star performance let alone idol contestants!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey everyone Adam needs our votes today.Han Han voters are going to put him in 5th today.......his votes are pouring in..........
please pass this on, its ending soon, would be nice to keep Adam 5th!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam for that unforgettable performance. It was AMAZING!!! AWESOME!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! WOW!!! .... I love it!!! can't get enough of ur performance.... for a moment I was like... is this an Adam Lambert show I'm watching or is this AI....

Anonymous said...

you said it ,babe. adam is the best!

Anonymous said...

No one on AI this year OWNS the stage like Adam did last year. None of them even act like they have a clue how to own it. Some are great vocally, but would you ever pay to see them just sing? Heck no! I want a performance, thank you very much Adam!!

Anonymous said...

ADAM just has endless creative talent that blows your mind each and every time. Mr Minor knew that last year...and so did Michael Orland who
always seems inspirational and plays a huge part in the success of AI. ADAM will become a huge star...this is just the beginning for him!

Anonymous said...

Adam is what an american idol should be in every sense of the word.He's got it all and I can't imagine anyone could match his talent and excitement that he brings to music.

Anonymous said...

Because of Adam Lambert JOY is Rising!

Anonymous said...

I have played this video countless times already...asking myself how he does it. The voice is all anyone could ask for but he gives us even more...he tells a story with his eyes, smile, hands and movements...and like THAT's not enough, he stages the song into an experience for us via lighting and the background music. I tell you, we are watching music history with this genius artist.


Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 5:06pm - I love what you said

"Because of Adam Lambert JOY is Rising!"


Anonymous said...

There are just no words to describe him. He is beyond words. He's a feeling, an emotion. It boggles my mind how easily he mesmerizes us. He has to be from somewhere out in the universe. No human can do what he does.

Anonymous said...

I got hooked by Adam's amazing energy the first time I saw him perform and have been mesmerized since. I am excited about music again. I LOVE that man! I know...WE LOVE that mean! Yes, JOY has risen BIG TIME! I so look forward to his tour.