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Simon Cowell Gets Glammed-Up!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, April 16, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 16, 2010

Adam Lambert returned to "American Idol" this week, and it turns out that Simon decided to take some of his fashion tips. Don't believe it? Ellen has the video to prove it!



Anonymous said...

Adam can pull it off, Simon, you can't. Don't try it.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh Oh that's just wrong!... But he's letting his "beast" out, and maybe he'll be doing "bit's"!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's actuallly pretty hilarious!

Anonymous said...

the wink was the best part

Anonymous said...

nah, i don't think so!

Anonymous said...

I'm scared......

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Sorry Simon,there's only one Adam. You're just not pretty enough!funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Please continue to vote on Time poll. #1 is locked in, but #2 and below are still moving until results on Thursday. Adam dropped to #6 - please help bring him back up to the #4 or 5 position.

2 or 3 windows open, voting and refreshing in succession:

Anonymous said...

Simon had to be influenced by ADAM'S SUPERPOWER sooner or later!!!!!...Now, if only he can work on Seacrest!

Anonymous said...

Laove it!!!