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5 Questions with Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, May 17, 2010

Posted at : Monday, May 17, 2010

We caught up with our favorite glamdroid Adam Lambert on the red carpet of Wango Tango, the day-long concert produced by radio station KISS-FM. And although the pompadoured pop star was in a hurry to prepare for what would turn out to be a thrilling, pitch-perfect four-song set for a cheering Staples Center crowd, we managed to sneak in a few quick-and-dirty q’s with him. Jump below to find out if Glambert (who, FYI, says he’s Team Bowersox!) is putting serious thought into a film career or that little style war he’s in with other spike-minded musicians.

Becky Bain: We almost didn’t recognize you—you’re not wearing any spikes today! Have you ever injured yourself with one of your incredibly dangerous-looking outfits?
Adam Lambert: (Laughs.) Not always spikes! And no, luckily I’ve been safe!

We recently posted a list of all the movie musicals we think you should star in, like a remake of The Rocky Horror Picture Show or the American Idiot movie currently in development. Are you on the lookout for a film role?
I think right now I’m just focusing on my music and making videos and touring. I start the Glam Nation tour in June. It’s gonna be all over North America for the next three months, then I think I have some dates in Europe.

You’ve been touring the world to promote For Your Entertainment—Japan, Australia, England, just to name a few. Have other countries you’ve visited been accepting of your sexuality?
Yeah, one of the things that I’ve found that has been really refreshing abroad, is that for the most part, there’s not as many taboos and hang-ups on sexuality [as there are in the U.S.]. So, it’s actually been really great, because the focus has been on the music, as it should be.

What do you think has been the problem in America?
I think there are just some more conservative people here. But I have a lot of warm, beautiful, very accepting fans here and I’m lucky for it.

You’ve been in your own controversylately with Tokio Hotel frontman Bill Kaulitz – his fans say that you’re ripping off his look, whereas your Glamberts are saying it’s the other way around. The same thing is happening with Lady Gaga and Christina Aguilera, too! What say you about this drama? Should fans stop comparing one pop star’s style to another’s?
(Laughs.) I think we both just have similar taste. And he looks great! I’ve been doing this since I was about 24-years old, when he was in middle school, so I don’t think anyone is ripping off anybody. [People] should just let [musicians] do their thing. It’s not that deep!



Anonymous said...

Quote: "[People] should just let [musicians] do their thing. It’s not that deep!"

straight from our boy's mouth...

anyone else thinking about how THIS applies to the continuing debate, albeit lightheareted, going on in some of these 24/7 regarding Lamberts FANS, not his detractors HIS FANS, being so full of opinions about his choices lately... hhhmmm

Between that statement AND his recent tweets - I'm thinking that (and this is just another opinion I guess lol) Lambert probably digs those fans who are hanging on for the fun of the wild ride, WHATEVER that ride may bring! Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it better anon 9:58.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anon 10:40 - 9:58 here - I just got scolded by a commenter in another 24/7 thread for being too wordy and longwinded - so I was regretting posting this :)... thanks for letting me know that at least one other person on the planet is feelin' what I'm sayin'! 8^). Love this little interview btw.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this applies to his fans not being happy with some of his choices lately. If you're not going to have fans who are not happy with some of his choices and voicing it, you're not going to have fans saying how sexy, hot, etc. The two go hand in hand. I think Adam would rather have us like we are. jmo

Anonymous said...

Well said anon 10:09! Couldn't have said it better.. ^_^ Freedom of Expression is Adam's motto and some people in 24/7 tend to forget it.

take care,
Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! The world loves Adam and wonders if the US will ever be able to show love, acceptance and respect that Adam so deserves? It's funny the US fans all seem to think they own Adam Lambert but what they don't realize is everyone else has adopted him too all over the globe, he is a world star.

Anonymous said...

To 10:05 - I think you have a point with your "own Adam Lambert" comment.

Anonymous said...

Oh PF @ 9:42 on May 18th,
Give it a rest with the "Freedom of Expression...blah blah blah...some people in 24/7 forget it...". So a few 24/7 site fans wrote in comments begging the question "why all the judgement towards Adam and his choices instead of the enjoyment of Adam and his choices lately...". Why don't you practice the same tolerance you're preaching about? Were those bloggers' ponderings really so far off the mark? I kind of think they had some valid points, and I didn't seem to be the only one. Although the anonymity of the blogoshere allows everyone to comfortably write in and say what they want, some comments were getting to be a bit of a Debbie-Downer lately. The handful of fans who wrote in didn't seem to have a desire to impinge upon anybody else's voice here in my opinion; seemed to me that they were just musing about why the sudden rash of comments concerning fans projecting their preferences onto someone whose free spirit and creativity they claim to revel in. Fair point of reflection if you ask me. Or am I not allowed to wonder that? Again, there's that pesky practicing what you preach thing again. Kindly put to rest the snarky, hidden in friendly language, comments about other 24/7 bloggers who just seemed to be putting their own food for thought out there too. So what that they wanted to delight along with you in their fandom of Adam Lambert more than ruminate about fan preferences, not so terrible, cut them some slack. I think it's fair to say that we all expect this to be a community for the enjoyment of Adam Lambert, so maybe they were taken aback somewhat by what they perceived to be an uptick in slightly critical commentary here, give them a break. I don't think anyone was suggesting that we all fall in line and in step to one way of thinking. It ain't that deep... or did you forget that this is another one of Adam's mottos?

Anonymous said...

Nobody's hating on Adam here, so let's just let people express their opinions/preferences and not make a column about what to say. Better to hear "Not too crazy about this outfit" than nothing at all.