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Adam Lambert Jed Root Photo Shoot

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, May 17, 2010

Posted at : Monday, May 17, 2010

Jed Root


Anonymous said...

oh dear gawd... why do I check this site when I'm busy during the day :)... all concentration LOST lol... I should know better by now! Holy frick - hot.

Anonymous said...

not my favorite pics of Adam, don't know the photographer, but he didn't capture Adams personality, or charm. I am not sure what he was trying to show. Good thing Adam is so photogenic, and nothing looks real bad.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding, he surely captured Adam's hot sexiness. These are smokin hot, I can't hardly breathe!

Anonymous said...

Sheesh - I just got finished commenting in the other thread about how Lambert was quoted as saying in that thread - "[People] should just let [musicians] do their thing. It’s not that deep!" - and how, between THAT statement and his recent tweets about loving his Dancers and the fan Retweet on the supportive Harem pant issue, maybe just maybe Lambert is telling his FANS something - not his naysayers but his FANS. To have opinions is natural - I get it - and I don't want to be accused of being preachy on 24/7 cuz I get that's what goes on in blogs, but geez Anon @ 9:55. I guess it's just gut reaction to these photos was not anything but enjoyment of them... my visceral reaction is not to look for the negative, as we are talkking about art basically... I mean, I understand that a person's reaction is a person's reaction... and I guess a blog is for the friendly sharing of ideas and opinions... but geez, a negative comment right off the bat... well, I guess 9:55's reaction wasn't really negative... but more just picky I guess... and hey, to each his own I suppose.

Anonymous said...

so what..9:55 didn't care for the pictures...
yes to each his own..for all your words that sums it up

Anonymous said...

anyone know what this photo shoot was for? anything in particular or just photos of Adam? they are great, he has so many sides and looks, that's why he's so fun and interesting---well one of the reasons, he's a pretty good singer too, lol!!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the second photo.......

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous on May 17, 2010 10:20 AM - I guess you're talking to me (Anon @ 10:13) and I hear 'ya... BREVITY can be better sometimes :). I just kind of type stream-of-consciousness when I comment/post sometimes. But I try to be friendly. I'll keep your constructive criticism in mind in the future. I get 'ya.

Anonymous said...

To May 17, 2010, 9:52am: Loved your comment,
made me laugh! could just visualize one sitting in an office type chair, half open eyes, logging onto 24/7 and behold, a new shoot!! viola! I'm awake! Please forgive me, but it was funny,
I love the guy too, he makes me smile


Anonymous said...

This is so sexy!

Anonymous said...

My gawd he's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing I'm in my 70's and not a teenager-I'd have an entire room wallpapered with Adam. He doesn't take a bad picture - I swear his soul is in his eyes and we are so lucky to be living to see and hear him and go on this journey with him.

Anonymous said...

yup, I agree with above and the first comment is just hilarious! god this man is a sinner, love his image, no matter!!! ^_^
Anon 10:13 not to be disrespectful or anything but what are you doing here, you keep saying that you know blogs are here to let people share their opinions so why do you keep trying to shove us yours (please don't take offense, it's my opinion). I've read your comments many times on 24/7, it always seems the same, I agree with what you say but can't you accept that we are not all equal, that's the beauty of life and everyone gets to express their opinions in here so if you don't like it..just ignore it like I do and comment only positive things, the things YOU liked or enjoyed, because no one in here needs a police fan control or something, I mean we love Adam but we still have functioning brains and are entitled to our own opinions whether people like or not...freedom of expression ^_^
So thanks a bunch for reminding us that fans should stop criticizing him but the truth is we are humans, and just because someone says they don't like his new hair or style or whatever..who cares?...doesn't mean they won't buy his album or offer it as gifts or buy his concerts tickets..
Does criticizing Adam makes a person less of a Fan..I don't think so 'cause we are not brainwashed robots(lol) for thought..

Take care,
Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

The last picture made me think of nauty things. Oh Adam , u r driving me crazy!
How More sexy can this man get?????
Amazing shoot, But the last one, have mercy!!
I wish I was adam's pants!

Anonymous said...

Agree completely with you!!!!!anon 11:38

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! All I can say.

YesterdayDreamer said...

Adam is the most beautiful man on earth.

Ali said...

How can anyone NOT find these pictures attractive?!!!


Anonymous said...

If people with all these critical views put their negative comments into doing something positive in this world, it certainly would be a better place for all of us. They are only pictures...nothing world shattering and life does go on. Fortunately for many of us, Adam Lambert, his pictures, videos, music,and interviews puts a smile on our face, makes us feel better about ourselves and at times makes us get up and want to dance. So let's ease up on the criticism and just enjoy the ride!

Anonymous said...

MammaMia!! Get me some ice, I'm on fire.

Anonymous said...

Hands. Down. Pants. That is all.

Anonymous said...

They are all my favorites but OMG the last one took my breath away!! How much sexyness are we in for!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I need to state an opinion. I'm totally not suggesting Adam change a hair on that gorgeous head, but I LUV Adam's hair in these pics. It is totally sexy. Gads, I want these pics as the wallpaper in my entire home.

Anonymous said...

Last picture - "Adam, here, let me help you." :)

Anonymous said...

i luv all the pics! he's so hot!

Magiclady said...

DAMN Damn damn

Anonymous said...

Wow love these picture :) buh I wanna see them in colour too!

Last pic is yum!

Anonymous said...

Love all Adam pics above.. last one especially... OMG SEXY to the MAX!!!

HOTTT!!! SEXYYY!!! as always!!!!

Anonymous said...

repeat Magiclady..........DAYUMMMM!!!! and the last one...holy sh*t!!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL, Anon 1:46, I was going to say the same thing about the last picture...

"Here Adam, let me get that for you"

Anonymous said...

Will someone please call 911 for me. I haven't taken a breath in over ten minutes.

Maggie Longfellow

Anonymous said...

Conversation leading up to photo 7 -

Jed ROOT: So, Adam, just how big is it?

Adam: Gimme just a sec, I'll check.

thud >-->o

Anonymous said...

Adam is ON FIRE in these pictures! Love his hair, and the looks on his face......OMG...such sexy looks. The last one is fantastic, and I certainly would love to be able to help him make the adjustment!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HELP ME - Had to go directly to my ITunes playlist and crank up CLOSER by Nine Inch Nails - Adam Freakin' Lambert - UR like playin' with fire!!

Anonymous said...

Jed darling - when can we buy that last shot in a wall size poster??????

Anonymous said...

That last pic is disgusting, if he itches , then he should turn around, and say "excuse me" and if it is not an itch, then he should leave the room for a few minutes. LOL

Anonymous said...

Last Pic! Yes Please Adam!

Anonymous said...

Phew!! thats last pic is so SEXY!!!

glitzylady said...

To anon at 4:27

Re your comment:

Would love to know......

Gorgeous (as usual), and driving me crazy........

Anonymous said...

oAahhhhh, the last picture i would like to be hhis hand!!! and touch all... you know.
WWhat made me Adam?? I'm more crazy than uusual. It's the Lambertobsession effect.

Anonymous said...

These photos are amazing. Anyone know what magazine they're for? I agree that Adam is an unbelievably beautiful person. I also agree that his funky, unconventional risk-taking (harem pants, anyone :) always puts a smile on my face. He really is a visionary.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you poor little "I think that last picture is disgusting." If that look on his face only implies skin irritation to you, I am sad for your life!!

Anonymous said...


Take the good with the bad. It's better than being indifferent.
Forget the filter.

Anonymous said...

Adam wasn't having an itch in the last pic silly girl. He was

Anonymous said...

I'm 4:27

Anon 6:15 You and I have the same sense of humor. Someone actually took you seriously.
I'm crying with laughter. xoxo

glitzylady: Didn't you see me faint before he answered? Now, had you come with smelling salts we might both know the answer. lol

glitzylady said...

To 4:27 and 12:08:


Anonymous said...

I want that last picture really big, in high quality! This is the sexiest pic of Adam I think I may have ever seen. Love it! The mouth open, the hand position, the black leather jacket with upturned collar-HOT, the jazzy jeans - HOT, the eyes- wow! I want to see this in high res! The tilted head angle, the jet black shiny hair falling down in his face, the pull of his hand on the shirt, and above all-- that look he gives you! Great!! It says: Adam caught guilty but gives no excuses. Adam feelin' good and doesn't care what you think. *Smiles

Anonymous said...

This has been a great thread to read. And yes, the pix are beyond beautiful. I really don't want to talk about them now, or even think about them because I have something else to say. pant pant gasp

Someone way back up the line asked who Jed Root is. Not sure it's a "he," sounds way more like a "them." It's Jed Root, Inc., with 5 international locations. These pictures were either taken in Japan or in London. Just Google Jed Root. Its all there for you to see.

It seems to me and this is just my opinion, that all these really gifted and famous photogs want to do photo shoots of Adam before it costs them waaaaaaay toooooooo much to do so. IMO the pix that we've seen aren't the cream of the crop either. I'd be willing to bet that there are some gems hidden away in vaults for safe keeping. Just saying...........

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:20 Whoever you are, whatever age, whatever sex, I don't care, you need to write a book. You got me sweating and wanting to hump my black labrador retriever.

wakethedead said...

HELP!!!!!!!MY COMPUTER IS ON FIRE!! NO ...WAIT ....THAT"S ME!!!!!! Keep fueling the flames Adam. YOU are a SEXY thang.....(hope a lotta people see these photos. They are a WHOLE LOTTA LOVE! IIHY is going to be epic!

Anonymous said...

I with you 10:30 the 2nd photo is my favorite too. The last is a little to suggestive for me. I know alot of those who will love it and I understand why..I guess in my mind at my age that is uncomfortable. It is a level in which I choose not to go with my fan relationship with Adam sorta like the mother/child relationship. All the others are beautiful pictures of a beautiful man both inside and outside.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think mother and child ONCE looking at these pictures.......I was just thinking pleasure! LOL

Anonymous said...

After reading these comments I have to yell... FIRE!!!.. The last pic is smokin' hot and someone send it on Twitter saying "Great Jacket" so I replied : "I think those are the greatest pants I've ever seen...but the jacket is great too ^_^ "
LOL..This man is going to drive women crazy not to mention the straight guys who will wish they had all that sexiness shining so clearly (it would certainly make some girlfriends very happy..just sayin)..
I'm dying for IIHY-he's wearing white TIGHT pants, among other things, and it's going to GREAT!
Take care,
Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

Hey There "Portuguese Fan @ 5/18 9:57" - this is 10:13 here. Thanks for your post @ 5/17-11:36. I took it in, absorbed it, thought about it. I did actually respond yesterday - content of response being some further explanation, some taking you to task... but it didn't go through - probably too long :)... and I took that as a sign that it was going to bore other 24/7 readers to tears so I didn't try to resubmit, LOL. (And anyway, did you see the comment to me from Anon @ 5/17 10:17pm - was brilliant AND succinct :), thanks 10:17pm - your comment made an impact actually!). Anyway Portuguese Fan, I will say one thing - After reading your original comments to me on this thread at 5/17 11:36 - I think you're attributing other people's comments to me... which is understandable because there were various comments over the past week or so that were likeminded to mine. Actually, I usually post comments that are pretty lighthearted, for example, I am also the first poster on this thread @ 5/17 9:52 whom you mentioned in your original comments as finding "hilarious", lol. And also, you don't realize this but you've also commented/replied favorably on more than a few of my other posts in the last few weeks - so it just may be that we are more likeminded than you think :). Well, I'm getting long here - and I'm really resisting the urge to say so much more to your original post on this thread, but it's not really important I guess and I'm probably boring people stiff :)... I only responded just now after abandoning my efforts to do so yesterday because I saw where you came back to the thread and posted again this morning... this thread was on fire with some hilarious and enjoyable comments, so sorry to have interrupted that Lambert fans :), continue on with the fun!!!! (it is exactly what I was missing from the comment sections of this site in the past few weeks).

Anonymous said...

HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!HOT !!!!HOT !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOOOL..Anon 10:31 first of all if I offended you somehow in the comment on this thread then I'm sorry it was just my opinion..but your other comments on the blog are funny especially the first on this page..I think the problem is you don't identify yourself with a signature mark so I have no idea if it's the same person or not.
If I did I'd probably go lighter but I do agree that this funny comments were so good, I was missing them as well(laughed so much reading them).
Secondly, I get you when you say, being succint is hard, I usually write a lot than simply erase it and put it short.Lol
Take care,
Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is fun, best I've had in a while,
even better than sitting at my desk in the am
watching folks make fools of themselves with various opinions! Anyway, the Root pics are amazing, and I am going to miss this thread.
How do we get back in, oh well, lets get ready
on another topic about our favorite performer.
See you next chapter. bb

Anonymous said...

From bb to may 17, 9:52,
..........just one more time, I am still laughing when I read your comment about waking up to a new AL shoot!!!

bye for now
