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Eonline: Adam Lambert Misses Idol Finale

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, May 28, 2010

Posted at : Friday, May 28, 2010



Anonymous said...

Those snarky bastards... coincidentally I'm home today and just happened to catch the repeat airing of last night's E network show "The Daily 10", and they too were snarky in their story on this subject matter. "E" is wicked stingy with their coverage of Lambert for legitimate and positive items, and then they have the balls to go all snarky on this story. So pissed. I'd already left "E" News and "The D 10" behind anyway because they cover the same darn short list all the time, so boring, but now I'm really done with them. When I have the time to watch Entertainment news, I'll watch "Entertainment Tonight" or "Access Hollywood". Well, it's just as AL tweeted I think - jealousy! Niether this story embedded above here, or "The D 10" story I just caught literally a few minutes ago, painted a fair picture of the circumstances. Well, I'm going to look at the glass as half full instead of half empty and say that - obviously Lambert is the one of interest here because they chose to dish about him and not Clay Aiken or Daughtry or Jennifer Hudson etc.! So you go AL babyboy - keep grabbing those headlines, you're amazing. To anyone reading - if you've think I've taken not read/absorbed this wrongly, I'm open to being told so... I'd like to think I took it wrongly, but after having just seen "The D 10" 's story too, which had much the same tenor, I don't think so... but let me know if you think I've gotten it wrong here!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! They really took Adam's reason out of context. Agree with above. The core of Adam’s answer was vocal rest by his doctor in preparation of his tour. And where the hell is Seacrest? Isn’t he an Executive Producer? I really feel sorry for people who have to piss on others to make a living.

Anonymous said...

Like someone else said on another blogs. "Adam, always so entertaining, whether he's performing or not." Love him to pieces. You go Adam, your fans are behind you 100% no matter what--and your fanbase is growing all over the planet.

melissatoronto said...

10:37Am I don't feel sorry for them. I like to piss on them. Agree with 10:11AM. Adam tweeted so clearly the reasons, yet they only pick only a piece of the whole picture to suit them. I never watch E| News anyways.

glitzylady said...

To 10;11:

I read it the same way, unfortunately, so sad...But you are also right, I only watch ET and Access Hollywood as they seem to be the only shows that are fair to Adam (and others) as a general rule, and I usually only bother with them when I think they may have something regarding Adam. The REST of the celebrity gossip shows are basically worthless. It seems that ALL celebrities, not just Adam, are the targets of their trivial snarky c***. (For instance the little piece about celebrity cellulite on one of them the other day....Good grief, that's news???? Just mean!) The good thing is that Adam WILL come out of this little dust-up yet AGAIN and prove those small minded, idiotic celebrity wanna-be "hosts" on those irrelevant shows to be the empty, pathetic morons that they obviously are!!! Ooops, did I just say that, beginning to sound like them.....Adam is such a lovely man and tries to rise above all of that "stuff" so I suppose I should follow his lead but still is so frustrating to hear all of that. Just don't want those many people who don't know the truth about him to think (more) ill thoughts. His talent (and all of his other many attributes) will ultimately win out, but for now he is an easy target. I actually fired off a protest to AOL last night regarding all of the BS reported prominently (as a headline on their main page) on their site yesterday, demanding a public retraction and apology for posting an unsubstantiated pack of lies but you know what good that will do! Made ME feel better tho! moving on to the tour AND the upcoming IIHY video. WHOO HOOO!!!! Love Adam and will now be channelling peace and love..........

Anonymous said...

lowest rating on a finale. glad adam wasnt there. so be it

Anonymous said...

thank goodness i live in the UK and don,t have to put up with the Vile American News Media.
i can't believe the terrible Negative Shit thrown at our beloved Adam,he so does not deserve it.

Have a Glamtastic Glam Nation Tour Adam and his Glamily..US Glamberts are you ready to ROCK that Glitter..have fun you lucky Fans xx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Looking Forward to the Glam Nation International Tour come Autumn,please don,t wear Adam out too much xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glambrit Isle of Wight UK and 12:10 - I guess it's best to think about good thoughts like the TOUR, you're right... I almost went for tix this morning for a New Hampshire USA show as I live not far away in Massachusetts - but I already have tix to 2 shows (not great seats 'though) and my man would have killed me! :) So I decided to keep the peace and just be grateful for the opportunity to see the two shows I am LOL.

Anonymous said...

You know guys, I didn't think it was snarky at all. I thought is was fine, and that was after reading all your comments. They were reporting the facts. Adam didn't want to sit in the audience and probably parade on stage. It is a crutial time in his professional career, so he had an excellent reason. Plus, in all honesty, he would have stolen the show. He just has megacharisma. With his height, presense and beauty the attention would have gone to him--that's just the way it is....

However, it would have been nice if Adam would have taken a moment to tweet congrats to the winners. Just would have been a good PR move, but he already set the standard for mentoring. After his appearance, the other mentors have been more actively involved and not just standing there (like Miley Cyrus).

It's all good. Let's move on.

Anonymous said...

'Ya know 5/28 2:27 - I have this gut feeling that had there not been all the bullsh_t, maybe he would have tweeted congrats to Lee & Crystal within a day or so of Wednesday night all on his own... I've been feeling that the past day or so, but what do I know. Anyway, I do think the report was snarky - but you are right about moving on I suppose!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the media is trying to tear Adam down.

This sucks :(

Anonymous said...

OMG I watched the clip AFTER reading all of your worrying posts and was shocked that the girl hardly said much of anything! It was not bad at all. You guys need to stop being so over sensitive. IMO it was another case of Adam getting major press for hardly doing anything. His album went up on the Amazon charts for this! Haha.. great news!

Anonymous said...

Friends an fellow Adam lovers - You're talking about the same media that thinks Mr. Obama walks on water.

Anonymous said...

The press LOVES to talk about Adam for nothing and for everything..whatever...all I know is that this buzz has the upside of raising his sales on Amazon and creating more awareness in people. I'm glad Lee won the AI9 'cause it means the end of the most boring season of AI, plus after all that happened if Adam had said congrats to the winner some might interpret it as a faux move or something...the press likes to take things out of their real context and put it into one more suitable.
Either way, I'm happy Adam wasn't there because honestly if they didn't invite him to sing then why should he waste his time sitting with the audience when he has an amazing tour being prepared and rehearsed to entertain us, his fans, to the limit...
Cook is doing a lot of cancer campaigns which is great, plus he didn't have a great relationship with Simon on AI, but wouldn't it work better if he released a new album, became world famous and sold millions, that way he'd have a lot more visibility and he'd be helping not just the US but the rest of world too..well that's my opinion..
Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

some interesting American Idol news but i wonder why could it be because the most Beautiful Talented Man in the world Adam Lambert was NOT there!!
sit in the audience!! sit in the bloody audience!!how dare they!!!
Host Ryan Seacrest revealed that more than 47 million votes were cast after this week's episode. That is a significant drop from last year, when 88 million votes were cast for the semi-final.*****
well you all remember about the big vote fix from last year!! Adam fans

hope you are all counting off the days,hours,minutes and seconds to the Glam Nation Tour...Excitement Overload!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Good news is that Adam gets more press by not showing up than the winner got. I didn't think the E thing was bad. It was Popeater that made the muck. I don't see it as a big deal. Seriously if Lady Gaga can take the constant snipes - this is nothing in comparison. Love Adam!!

glitzylady said...

To 2:27

You really do have a point :-), but really wish that they had also mentioned that he was on vocal rest as that could have put a little more perspective on it and would have made him a little more sympathetic. In a way, the comments COULD make him sound like he thought he was a little too important to just sit in the audience (there are those who will always find fault with him no matter what he says). We know that isn't the case of course, he wouldn't feel like that, as he is a humble guy and a really BUSY and dedicated guy! It's all in how people interpret what was said! Yes, I'm sensitive to what is said about him, as it so often seems to get turned around into something else. That's were I was coming from, no more, no less...At least they weren't repeating the stuff from Popeater, so that was definitely a plus! And it does keep him in the news, for sure, and we know his absence was definitely noticed, all good!

Anonymous said...

isn't that good to hear news of Adam everyday (of course u wouldn't want to hear something bad being said about him from other irresponsible press/journalists)... this goes to show that Adam is always on their mind.. always remembered and his absence from any events does make a difference!!!

Love Adam so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:10

Good one! Kinda puts it into perspective that they have no f*ing idea what they are talking about, huh? If they did, they would leave Adam alone and call for "Mr." (not my president) Obama's impeachment and have him up on treason charges. Nuff said!


Anonymous said...

@4:10 The media that you say thinks Obama walks on water is not the ones that give Adam a hard time. It's the George Bush religeous right that are against gays and cannot accept that we have a president that is part black. This isn't a political forum, but Just Peachy, your remarks about our President are really out of line and have nothing to do with Adam.Politics and religeon are a touchy subject and are best left alone here. "United we stand for Adam, divided we fall".

Anonymous said...

Man justpeachy - I've loved your posts on this site, but you just - what's the word - disappointed is the word I guess - you just disappointed me. Yes, perhaps it's best we keep politics out of this forum - just my opinion, no need to hate on me. However, Neil Lambert is totally into politics - check his blog out justpeachy... I think he would largely disagree with your comments :), but he definitely blogs on politics.

Anyway, what I was originally going to say on this thread was - to the posters who commented that some other posters here were being a little too sensitive - I hear you on that, BUT, one of the key points with this issue that some mentioned here, is that "E News" and "The Daily 10" are normally very very scant in their coverage of Lambert - but THIS, they chose to cover!!! That's MY point. (And c'mon, it had, if even only a little, a subtle snotty tone). But YES< RIGHT ON to all those here that added that at least it was Lambert once again drawing the attention, through no real fault of his own - he's just magnetic... and "E News" and everyone else KNOWS IT.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon May 28, 2010 10:25 PM - Yep!

Anonymous said...

Adam missed IDOL Finale .... so what! They missed out, he did NOT.

Anonymous said...

10:04am - I agree.

I once read on a blog, some months back, that "Adam Lambert did not lose American Idol, American Idol lost Adam Lambert".

Sorta rings true huh?!

Anonymous said...

ADAM made more headlines for NOT being there than the artists who DID perform ... Hall & Oates. Chicago, Alice Cooper, etc. All they got was HONORABLE MENTION. Now ... who's the STAR?? Everyone was more DISAPPOINTED that he wasn't there Performing. I'll bet they were all looking forward to seeing WHAT he would DO! HAHA

Anonymous said...

and the winner is Adam Lambert! YAY
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Hey, Just Peachy I agree with you 100%. This should not be a political forum but there are a lot of conservatives in America who adore Adam. Liberal thinkers do not own him.

As people mature they will realize that the conservative mind wants people to know how to take care of themselves. That is the main DIFFERENCE.

Go Adam!!

Anonymous said...

You 3:07, made a comment with a reasonable tenor and some merit, kudos - justpeachy did not. I do not necessarily agree with your comment, but it has some validity. It is justpeachy's inflammatory language that incites unnecessary aggression in this country. Justpeachy's comments @9:31 don't seem inflammatory at first glance, and seem to follow a valid and thinking person's solution (requesting a legitimate non-violent process of impeachment) but upon further contemplation, calling for such a drastic action towards a high ranking government official/office holder who has not yet acted in a way which calls for that drastic measure, in my book, is inflammatory in such a way that is ultimately dangerous, in one way or another. And to suggest that our current President should not be, until such time that he is legitimately and constitutionally removed, considered the president of every American citizen is inflammatory at it's root...better to spend time and WORDS wisely as a productive activist against his policies etc., looking forward to midterms and then the next presidential election. If those conservatives who "adore Adam" that you mentioned spent energy fostering and grooming an environment and society within their own conservative community that was more accepting of folks like Lambert, perhaps liberals and moderates would ease up a bit on those "ownership" vibes you all are feeling. I went against my own advice earlier in this thread, my apologies, I just couldn't stay silent... what's that famous quote by English philosopher Edmund Burke, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing..." and staying silent falls within that sentiment to me. Again, sorry to get a little OTT here, but couldn't let it go.
Originally May 29, 2010 8:59 AM