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Adam Lambert Interview at WHAM BAM 2010!

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, June 22, 2010

And some pictures!


Anonymous said...

wow. i'm first. hilarious interview. those guys are cool. adam is tooo funny - "my bus is lined with women's panties";p
Ps. I've been completely obsessed with the concert versions of WLL and Fever from Milwaukee. Can't go to sleep without watching them. So gals in the US keep that camera rollin'! Big thanks from Poland loves Adam

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a great sport. I just adore him! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys once again thanks for posting that great interview, loved it. Adam is so great to listen always, those guys were excellent at keeping things moving and fun to. Love this site, do you think Adam knows about this site wish some one who can would twitter him and mention it. Jan.

mandy said...

hahah awhh i love him so much:)

i wanna know what he looked at like 5:35 when his eyes got real big and he was like UH AWHH

Anonymous said...

The last picture - what is Lane wearing...the black tank top - what does it say?? He is so adorable - what a fun interview and he the crowd cheers just always draw his attention - so sweet!!

Anonymous said...

Again, Kudos to 24/7 for up to the minute news and pics and videos of Adam. This is the first site I enter when feeling an "Adam Flush"
No other site brings such overall info to the adam fans that would probably be burned at the stake for idol worship in another era.
Love that guy.

Adam always makes me smile.


Anonymous said...

That lucky lucky Lane... I actually would love to know a little bit more about her story :)...

Regarding this interview - hhmmm, not sure how I feel about this one. It's funny - cuz I didn't mind that interview from MMVA from that cute gal from MSN, which some people disliked a lot, but this one... sorta bugs me actually... I guess it's just that little touch, by the "Mocha" DJ, of that "Frat-boy" mentality... And I actually thought AL looked much more visibly, noticeably, annoyed w/ the mention of being a potentially risky LIVE performer in this interview than he appeared, showed facially, from anything the gal from MSN asked him. Just my POV. Regardless, AL is so great at interviews, love the guy.

Anonymous said...

That was funny: Adam says "I'm gonna pop your eye liner cherry."


Anonymous said...

Didn't even catch that Stanley - so funny - will have to go back and rewatch, thanks!

Stephanie said...

That was a funny and great interview. Love him!

Anonymous said...

always great to see and hear beautiful Adam, did see Adam,s facial look that 5.42 mentioned with (risky live performer)he must get so pissed off at times its such OLD news,wonder if miley gets remarks about her london performance which i mentioned on other thread when she mock kissed a girl and thrust her crutch in dancers face oh no of course NOT shes a 17/18 year old girl...bloody double standards from American media.. so makes my blood boil at times
enuff said
you no what that Neck is for Kissing..queue up everyone me first
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

adam lambert is beautiful. i'm obsessed with him

Anonymous said...

@Glambrit Isle of Wight UK @ 6:55pm -
Glad you caught that look, albeit subtle, of exasperation from AL at the mention of being a risky live performer too - I'm 5:42 and also MassGlamFan :), but forgot to use my new tag @5:42, LOL... I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who caught the look (don't blame AL btw). Also, just FYI, there's sort of an update to the Miley faux kissing a girl scenario. I won't launch into it on this thread and bore everybody - but if you're interested in details, I did comment about it on the thread "Adam Lambert Interview with Access Hollywood" @ June 22, 2010 5:26 PM - but I commented in a positive way - no dis of Miss Cyrus (I sorta think AL digs her).

Anonymous said...

Hi MassGlamFan..thanks for info will check that out i have just left you a message on Glam a classroom thread
p.s dont forget to use your name tag x
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Hi 24/4 folks,

Please let me know WHO ARE YOU GUYS, for Christ sake? How can you be so kind and share with us (poor Adam´s addicts) such great interviews, videos, pictures, info, whatever... such good quality everything.
If first of all I am in love with my sweet Adam, in second place comes 23/7, with so many and nice commenters/comments. This site became the place where I feel really comfortable to follow Adam´s news and expose my feelings and opinions.

I'm just sort of sorry because English is not my first language and sometimes I feel short of vocabulary... but I´ll keep on doing my best because my sweet Adam is worthy of it.

Once again, thank you very much 24/7 and fellows Adam's fans.


Anonymous said...

Hi Fan4fun, so pleased to read abot *ICON* your little furbaby
we have no problem with reading your comments your english is fine,i have just left you a message on the glam a classroom thread,
loving that Lambert sooo much
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Hey MassGlamFan, I remember your comments from weeks ago when you mentioned your seating in the Cohasset venue. I still say there are NO bad seats there but I can't figure out how the concert will be performed with the round stage turning and what about the lasers?

I don't want to rush the summer but I can't wait until August! I know you'll enjoy this weekend in CT. We want details.

Anonymous said...

Oh, well, just checking my comment above I made TWO big mistakes typing the name of this site... I apologize, 24/7. It's time for me to go to bed; here in Azores/Portugal already the 3 o'clock in middle of night.
Good night, fellows.
Good night, sweet Adam!


Anonymous said...

HI THERE, Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

So happy you commented to me now! I will just check your first message before I go to bed and tomorrow we «talk» again, ok?
By the way, it must be about 5 o'clok in England (you are in England, aren't you?). What are you doing out of bed? Are you as nuts as I am about checking Adam's news? By the way, my kitten ICON just said good night to you. MIAAAWWW!



Anonymous said...

Love the chatter - Fan4Fun and GIOW/UK!

Totally died laughing about the "sniff test, got them all pressed/framed and hung in the bus" line! Adam - you're quick and sarcastic. LOVE it.

Yes - Moka (or whatever his name was) was a total narrow-minded homophobe. Pissed me off. Oh well, over it now. Sadly, there are so many people like him in the world.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Hi 24/7: Just wanted to let you know that yours is my FIRST 'go to' site for ADAM news .. got ya' on my faves right next to ADAM Twitter so I can click on whenever I NEED to. After you it's Google .. several times a day to give ADAM's page oodles of HITS .. but don't really follow up on most articles. If I need to know anything ADAM ... I come HERE! THANX!! BEST ADAM SITE ... IMO ... tess

Anonymous said...

I'm new to this site ... I have been following Adam since AI ... I Google Adam several times a day as well, can't stop!!! It makes me sad that there are negative people out there, I am 65 and still can't understand it!! Adam has it all and THAT VOICE!!!!

Adam's Cougar65

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for Adam to 'break out' and he did so first in Milwaukee (on the steps) and now in NY!!! YOU GO BOY!!!!