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Adam Lambert Interview with Access Hollywood

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, June 21, 2010

Posted at : Monday, June 21, 2010

Red Carpet



Anonymous said...

omg...please ,next time he win's ( he should win every thing )LET HIM TALK LONGER !!!!! just give him his own show,WOW!!! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!! I could just listen to him for hr's !! love that guy !!!!!

rebeccastl said...

Ha! Miley said she wanted to GIVE Adam some tips, LOL... as if. But hey, I'm so glad Adam won. He's such a gracious guy. :)

Anonymous said...

Soooooooooo gracious. As I said on the other thread, how can anyone not like this guy? Damned if I know!

Anonymous said...

"Ha! Miley said she wanted to GIVE Adam some tips, LOL... as if. But hey, I'm so glad Adam won. He's such a gracious guy. :)"

Really? Where did you read that? I want to hear her say that lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, Miley did have a great outfit and Adam thinks she looks gorgeous. She'll look like a goddess by the age of 20 :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to give Miley a break today - because, when introducing our boy, she did say "...a personal fav..." Of course, she probably just said that to seem cool and edgy and full of good taste... and I don't mean to sound Adam-centric :), but she is sooooo taking both aesthetic and thematic cues from him lately... sorry, but it's so! But if Adam can remain respectful towards his fellow artists, then so can I... and I actually do think Miley has something to offer vocally and musically as an adult, so I'll get back on the high road I guess :).

Anonymous said...

To rebeccastl, I thought Miley said she wanted to give Adam lessons, mentioned it on another thread, but people thought I'd misheard. Its on the video when shes announcing his performance right at the beginning.

Anonymous said...

"Really? Where did you read that? I want to hear her say that lol."

She was the one who introduced Adam before his performance. Go back a page from 24/7 homepage and you'll see the performance!

Here's the link

Anonymous said...

aww, adam is always so lovely about other artists he is so special, gorgeous, wonderful and every other fabulous word i can think of....there's nobody like him

brit fan :) xx

Anonymous said...

I think the next time Adam wins awards please give him longer time to talk coz he always hv a lot to say.. always know how to say the right things at the right time!! never once i see Adam lost for words!! never see him blah blah for nothing!! Not all artist can speak intelligently like Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Next time Adam wins an award they should give him more time to talk. On this and many other award shows I have noticed that the ones who ramble on get the longest time to talk. Adam would be the one to say something intelligent.

Anonymous said...

help me out here..did he win the award for the video for "Whatya Want from Me" or "FYE"

Stephanie said...

Anon 4:24 PM

He won for WWFM.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen or heard Adam say negative things about any other artist.
Thats just another trait of his that makes him
so special!!

Love that guy.

He makes me smile.


Anonymous said...

Miley Cyrus has a face for radio.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a very gratious person, and he is also a very truthful person. What he said about Miley is true. She is very tallented and looks incredible.

Anonymous said...

Well BB @ June 21, 2010 4:35 PM - he did say that one little thing about a particular song/cover, Wild Horses, of Susan Boyle's... :)... but he offered only his opinion about the music, not the person. I "love that guy" too... how can anyone not like the guy.

Anonymous said...

Yay - everything you've all said is so RIGHT on! Adam is smart, articulate, funny and complimentary to others...I was SO bummed they didn't let him have that - what - extra 15 seconds? - to thank three people. Grrrrr!

Adam, can I just kiss you for a minute? I'll even kiss you on the cheek. You're just so charming that I need to hug you and give you a kiss to show you how much I appreciate you! :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Yeah, don't snarf about Miley - she is only 18 and Adam wouldn't like it. BUT, I am totally torked at Access Hollywood - their show on TV last night - used take of sweet Adam making the comment about Bieber Fever then cut him off. Did not mention that he gave an amazing performance, but mentioned everybody elses. Then they said that Miley had won best International Video and did not mention that Adam had won anything!! Sometimes the biased slant is SO obvious it makes me CRY!!

Anonymous said...

E! didn't mention that Adam won anything either....just that he performed.

We want more Adam news on TV!!!!

Anonymous said...

Miley said that she would like to GET make up tips from ADAM ... NOT ... GIVE. That's why ADAM said 'she didn't NEED any tips from HIM .. she already looks incredible.' I had to listen a few times before I got it.

Anonymous said...

Adam was just mentioned on ET as signing up as a "DOT" in a portrait of Michael Jackson in a tribute to him. Only 2 others had signed up before him. Again, he's thinking of others and the influence Michael's music had on him. 24/7, you cease to amaze me how fast you post info, such as Access Hollywood's Adam coverage. Thankyou. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

A little off topic - but watched the entertainment news shows again tonight - to see if they added/gave any more coverage on the MMVA's, because sometimes they'll add more coverage the next day as well... didn't see much more but I did happen to catch, on that snarky E News, a quick story on Miley - and it was basically about her barely-there outfit for MMVA opener - but that's not the reason why I'm commenting - the segment's primary focus was that she WAS COVERED UP (their take on it) for a show (small club type show, have forgotten the place at this moment) that she did after MMVA - and she had on leather pants and a top covering more...etc. and anyway, they showed a little clip of the show - then highlighted how she revisited her faux female kiss, and also added a new faux kiss to her repetoire with a male dancer, and it showed her up on him really close, and again, blah blah blah, but my real point of interest (sorry, longwinded :)) was that this little clip of her set also showed her doing a total Adam Lambert hip roll... now I know I know, Adam Lambert didn't invent the hip roll :), and I don't mean to be Adam-centric... but it was very reminiscent of Lambert's luscious hip roll and ...well, it's just the TOTAL SUM of all things Lambert-esque that Miley has been doing lately that I find interesting. I'm not typing this all out to criticize - I actually find it a positive nod to Lambert, that's why I'm mentioning it! I personally think Miley and her team need to remember her age for a little while longer and feel that she should be maturing, entertainment-persona-wise a little more organically... but I do find her emanating certain Lambert-esque-ness a positive nod to Lambert, even if unintentional ('though I don't personally think it is UNintentional). Maybe she did say, at the MMVA, when introducing Lambert, that AL was a "personal fav" because she truly meant it, and not just to illustrate her edgy-ness and good taste.