Adam Lambert Interview with Ashli Rae
Filed Under (interview ) by Admin on Thursday, June 3, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, June 03, 2010

Yesterday I was on a conference call with Adam Lambert and we discussed his album, “For Your Entertainment” and his upcoming Glam Nation Tour which kicks off tomorrow in Pennsylvania.
Ashli Rae: If one of the singles from “For Your Entertainment” was going to blow up and become the biggest hit ever, which one would you want it to be and why?
Adam Lambert: I have no idea. I think they’re all great. My current single that just came out is ‘If I Had You’. It’s trickling its way on to Top 40 radio right now. And I think it’s a great song. It’s really positive, it’s upbeat, it’s catchy. It’s about the message in it. I think it’s one of the better messages on the album, which is you can have all this success, the fame, the fortune, the lifestyle but if you’re not connecting and you’re not – and there’s no love in your life and you don’t have true friends and loved ones then it doesn’t mean anything.
Q: Can you tell us more about the show itself? And also the repetoire, what else are we going to hear besides the songs from the album?
AL: There is a surprise cover in there, one or two. But I’m kind of leaving them as wonderful surprises (as a way to place) the show. And then the show itself was actually – it’s being visually inspired by kind of like a blend of turn of the century New Orleans meets like psychedelic classic rock.
Q: I wanted to ask you a little bit more about coming out after Idol. Did you see that as sort of a necessary step to make the transition to being the Idol contestant to sort of launching the rest of your career?
AL: Definitely because for me and my career, I wanted it to be an open book. And for me I was like you know what, I’m just going to be who I’m going to be because it’ll be a hell of a lot easier and I knew that people would know about my sexual preference and my history being in Los Angeles as a performance artist and somebody that had been out and about. So I figured there was no point in keeping a secret. I might as well own it. I’m proud of it and if the audience doesn’t like my sexuality then they can find another artist to look at. It’s not a big deal.
Q: What was your experience like recording (the album) and being able to collaborate with so many talented people?
AL: It was really exciting. I think that for me one of the things that makes getting signed to a major label really exciting is that you have access to working with some of the best producers in the business. And as a lover of pop music I have always realized that that’s really the key is that you bring your talent to the table and your ideas to the table and you can work with people that make things just sound incredible. And so that was probably the highlight for me.
Q: Is there anything you learned about yourself from the first go round with Idol pre - Idol to now, to all that you have now. Anything on a personal level that was a revelation to you about you?
AL: I think that ultimately, I think that trusting my instincts has been kind of the biggest challenge and test since coming off of Idol. It’s a business this music industry and it’s a lot of amazing, talented, very experienced people working in it. And they have their opinions and I have mine and coming to compromises and figuring out what the best plan of action is, is definitely something I’m learning a lot about.
Q: What is something you hope to effectively communicate to fans and potential fans to attend your show?
AL: There is definitely a really strong message of love. I mean as cliche as that sounds, it’s very true. I think that my fans have been incredibly supportive of me and this show is really built for them.
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Adam was all about love from the first time I saw him. He's doing this for us. that's so sweet. He's got to know how much we love and adore him.
In the picture above, it looks like he's saying "ohh the light hurts my eyes."
There are so many gay artists. Why does everyone focus in on that with Adam??!!! There's clearly some type of attraction people (straight or gay) have for inquiring about Adam's sexuality. Normally these are questions that would not be asked. It's kind of a respect issue. Adam is so kind, open and transparent about everything, so the media feels it's OK to ask. Can you imagine anyone asking Barry Manilow about his sexuality? Or Ryan Seacreast? They can speculate all they want, but it's really none of our business. He's out and proud. Let it alone already.
Absolutely agree about his sexuality. Enough already. We know all about it one year after AI. The interviews should be about the music, his vision for his Glam Nation Tour and future plans. Adam Lambert is one stylish, edgy, charismatic , talented performer on his way to rock god super stardom and thankfully he is taking all of us along for the ride.
or ellen...or Elton John.. i am so sick of the same stupid questions all the time....Adam is a beautiful man, that sums it!!!
I think people are so consumed with Adam's sexuality because he is so sexy and attractive to both sexes, they feel threatened and don't know what to do about it.He's a sex magnet!!People are afraid of the unknown and they are missing out on the incredible gift that is Adam. I think it's already getting better because of Adam's honest, likable interviews.He kills with kindness and it's working. How can you not love him.. funbunn40
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