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Adam Lambert interview with CTV

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, June 21, 2010

Posted at : Monday, June 21, 2010


Anonymous said...

Great interview. Adam is so cool and so smart. I just love listening to him.

Anonymous said...

love this interview.

melissa toronto said...

Adam, you are too precious!! There are so many, many, & many good qualities about you besides the incredible talent that you process. So well spoken & media savy. Always remember & show appreciation to the people that help & guide you to where you are today. I am speechless & extremely proud to be a Adam's fan. Reaaly love this interview.

Anonymous said...

How, just how, really how, I mean seriously how - can anyone not like this guy??????

Anonymous said...

Great interview!! Adam is so intelligent n articulate!! His interview is always very informative n entertaining!! is like u get to learn about his life journey from his very beginning to where he is as an artist right now in a very honest possible way... never hide anything!! unlike some artists who r afraid to share their life story with the rest of the world!

Also love the way how he appreciate those people who has helped or guided him in his journey to become who he is now! Also very polite as always..

Adam u r a genuine SUPERSTAR!! Wish u success in the years to come in ur music career!!! Love u so much Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great interview! This CTV guy has conducted the most thoughtful, articulate and respectful interviews I've seen. Adam is always amazing, but rarely is the interviewer on a par with him.

As they say in Canada: Good on ya!

Anonymous said...

No matter how many times the same questions are asked ... no matter how many times ADAM has answered those same questions ... the way in which he answers them makes it sound like BRAND NEW INFO instead of something I've heard over & over. HOW does ADAM do that? You would think that by now it would be OLD news ... but it NEVER is!! AMAZING!! Love you ADAM!! Speak on ... oh elequent Prince of LOVE & LIGHT!!

Anonymous said...

I love to hear Adam in interviews. He is soo articulate, and comfortable with himself. He is on his way to being a SuperStar, and I hope he branches out to Acting. He will be great at that too. I remember a video of Adam where he completetly changed who he is just playing around with Matt, Khris, and Allison.

Anonymous said...

Great interview. And the interviewer actually asked the big question that had been on the people's minds the past few days (the hair thing) instead of re-hashing the same old crap. THAT's a professional. Adam of course, wonderful as always.

Anonymous said...

Each time i hear Adam not only I learn more of him if not from him, He is such a class guy a referent of all young artist should be.

Anonymous said...

I agree with ALL of the above, and especially the comments by Anon. 4:09 and 6:34. This interviewer was so respectful and intellegent, with a little humor thrown in. You could feel they had a great raport.

So - do you ever stop and think about how confident and self-possesed Adam is, and then think back to what high school was like for him? He was in the closet, overweight, did not like himself much, didn't have many friends... I mean, to go from that kind of existance, to the confident, self-assured guy we see today just says so much about the internal strength he posseses.

This is why I am so smitten with the man. He is a work of art in more ways than one. He's strong, grounded, humble, kind...traits that don't usually go along with his singing abilities. People with that much talent are (sadly) usually pretty full of themselves 'cause they know they are head/shoulders above the crowd and they let it go to their head.

Adam - thank you for being you, and I'm so glad you endured all the bumps in your journey that afforded us the person you turned out to be.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix, so true, and you're so articulate about that.....what an amazing, inspiring work of art...I want to be my own work of art and potentialize in that way too. For that much inner transformation to be possible is just sooo inspiring!!!

Maybe Planet Fierce has classes and/or internships.


Anonymous said...

Adam Fix,

I really enjoy reading your comments, some of them so serious, others even hilarious.
I think that Adam is so confident and comfortable answering any questions because of his honesty. «The truth set you free». Isn't it?

In fact I liked the comments above as well as I liked the interview.
This is a site so cool to follow Adam! Never, ever a waste of time...
Thanks 24/7 folks!


Anonymous said...

Great comments, Adam Fix. You said it so well for all of us.His humble traits and loyalties is what I most admire.So many are divas and have to have a huge entourage and don't put back any of the riches they receive. Adam supports Donors Choose and doesn't take his fame for granted. He's a class act. funbunn40